All of the above are done! And will never be elected official again except fat man Tim if he says around for the next election. Fast Eddie is done. Billy B. Is small potatoes. No juice no personality no skills just an

and Howie puppet. I'm your puppet Pete M. Done. Rocky just a dope. Angelo G. Done. J.R. Just piece of

. The rest done. Don't matter. Easy Eddie and crew done after they lose delegates election H will drop them like a bad habit. Eddie knows notting and has no balls. Mark J. Out of Foster already Falco was slapping him around. Danny B. Out east way to go fifty guys laid off on your watch. Big Ego no brains. Tim will be back and so will TDU. It's a no brainier Fast Eddie will be gone soon. The Kane's aren't going to keep them strong. They are just going to suck them dry. Bye bye Fast Eddie that was fast.