Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

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Active Member
Exactly I guess you're used to things being done the right way for the members best interest. But T.s could careless about the members remember he thinks we are clowns and needy.

How is Local 804 pension fund doing today! Will Hoffa come in and take 25 and out away if Tim win delegate elections? Sour grapes


Well-Known Member
T.s has very little knowledge of our local contract and he's a horrible leader. Jim.r has never represented a member. Pete.m is exhibiting early signs of alzheimers. Bill.b is a smart guy but is just a unhappy guy who is mean and nasty to the members. Angelo.g is anti social misfit who needs to retire. Liam.r is gone and soon will lose his membership privileges 6 months is the cut off. Eddie.v time will tell. Danny. m just not a very bright individual. Danny.b thinks he knows everything but knows very little. Niel.ob good guy for a business agent spot that's about it. Dorothy.m Just isn't prepared to be president she's never been a steward. Mark.h real sharp guy but where is he.Vinny. p maybe a business agent material but very hot headed and likes showmanship too much. Joe.c retired i hope. Rocky.d an opportunist. Those are potentially presidential candidates in three years and my view of them from how I see it.


Got the T-Shirt
Tims got the local 804 feeder bathroom on lockdown
time to inflame the TDUers.


Well-Known Member
All of the above are done! And will never be elected official again except fat man Tim if he says around for the next election. Fast Eddie is done. Billy B. Is small potatoes. No juice no personality no skills just an :censored2: and Howie puppet. I'm your puppet Pete M. Done. Rocky just a dope. Angelo G. Done. J.R. Just piece of :censored2:. The rest done. Don't matter. Easy Eddie and crew done after they lose delegates election Hoffa will drop them like a bad habit. Eddie knows notting and has no balls. Mark J. Out of Foster already Falco was slapping him around. Danny B. Out east way to go fifty guys laid off on your watch. Big Ego no brains. Tim will be back and so will TDU. It's a no brainier Fast Eddie will be gone soon. The Kane's aren't going to keep them strong. They are just going to suck them dry. Bye bye Fast Eddie that was fast.


Well-Known Member
Cleaning it?
All of the above are done! And will never be elected official again except fat man Tim if he says around for the next election. Fast Eddie is done. Billy B. Is small potatoes. No juice no personality no skills just an :censored2: and Howie puppet. I'm your puppet Pete M. Done. Rocky just a dope. Angelo G. Done. J.R. Just piece of :censored2:. The rest done. Don't matter. Easy Eddie and crew done after they lose delegates election H will drop them like a bad habit. Eddie knows notting and has no balls. Mark J. Out of Foster already Falco was slapping him around. Danny B. Out east way to go fifty guys laid off on your watch. Big Ego no brains. Tim will be back and so will TDU. It's a no brainier Fast Eddie will be gone soon. The Kane's aren't going to keep them strong. They are just going to suck them dry. Bye bye Fast Eddie that was fast.
Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Good too be back, was out of town. Where was I. Tim one dirty guy but he's home again cleaning toilet bowls in Island City again. TDU isn't going to give up their cash cow local 804. Thanks to that :censored2: Howie R. What a piece of :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
You think. He's a big guy. And he smells. fast Eddie and crew are done. They won by fifty vote's. Just luck and thanks too Liam. But it's up for grabs and TDU will take it because Hoffa can't stop them. He may lose his own election in November.
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Well-Known Member
You think. He's a big guy. And he smells. fast Eddie and crew are done. They won by fifty vote's. Just luck and thanks too Liam. But it's up for grabs and TDU will take it because H can't stop them. He may lose his own election in November.
Tim.s lost by 70 votes and if you are from 804 then you must know alot of members don't like Tim.s he's just not a good person or president material for that matter.


Well-Known Member
How would that happen ?

Clue me in.

Oh smilet....

Because 25 and out at any age is huge for local 804 and taking that away would kill the current executive board whom K.h supported in the last election. That's why Only Tim.s and his opportunist cast of characters would benefit from that.


Well-Known Member
Don't no much about history. But I do no that the members hate Hoffa. And that is why fat smelly Tim will eat fast Eddie and crew up. And Eddie will be back on the truck. Vinny p. Is all ready stirring up :censored2: in Island City. And Criss w. The same. Members hate DAnny M. Because he is a bull :censored2:er. The end is near for fast Eddie and crew. Their no leaders. Too bad so sorry. Just like Tim he's no leader he's got TDU. Does it matter who's in their the members are done. Mark my words Eddie and crew lose delegates election. Because of Hoffa and Kane.


Well-Known Member
Don't matter Eddie and crew are done. Just a matter of time. If it's not Tim it will be someone else. Big mistake going with Hoffa. How stupid can they be. They sold their souls to the devil!