I still have mine.I'm reading about all the different questions concerning our jobs.(off area luunh, proper procedures on how to record packages and etc etc etc) I would think UPS would be a better company if they would publish a company wide rules, regulations and procedure book that we can refer to if we have any dispuites. I'm getting conflicting instructions daily from Center managers, Stupidvisors, OMS clerks and even P/T Sups. I understand that they are making the rules up as they go, partly because they dont have a clue of whats going on. If I had a $1.00 for everytime a customer told me the other driver or centers do it or I dont care what the center manager said I'm instructing you to! I would be a rich man. UPS customer service and employee relations are falling apart and I blame promotion of ignorance. UPS and I need uniformity not only in procedure but with UPS, customer and employee relations which a Rules and Regulation book would promote. What does everyone else think?
(excerpt section 340 of m900-003)
January 1983 Edition.
This Tome explains every action a driver should take from pre-trip to punch out. In the old days, every one of the delivery methods were ingrained into a driver during the 30 day approval period.
After spending any time on a pkg car, you know what the rules are.
If your sup tells you to do it a different way, work as instructed.
All the rules are written, either by the contract or by company policy.
Try talking to your Sup's for clarification, on any grey area.