UPS AIR driver replacement by full time drivers


Well-Known Member
This stuff is covered in your local area supplement.

Exactly. Not necessarily very clearly though. There is NorCal and 22.3 MOE language on laid off ft displacing pt, and it definately refers to a "full time seniority list" but general bump rights as between ft and pt isn't, I think, covered. On the ft list hire date is used as a tie breaker between all those with the same ft seniority, e.g., all the 22.3's with backdated 8/98 ft seniority, but in bidding against a pt I only have 8/98 seniority, not 1/3/89. And there have been battles over management designating some work as pt only, irregardless of seniority (and I'm not talking about the double shift list, which is pt only per the contract... but the work is available to ft after pt under the "all alternatives" language of the Supervisors Working language).

Bottom line -- there is no national ""right answer" to the original question.