UPS Bargaining Suspended


Browncafe Steward
Rumor has it that ups and cs pension have come to terms and should be out for a vote soon! When i hear or get more info i will post it here for all to see and read.


Agent of Change
Wow, I'm a little behind! Let's see....

This upsets you?:huh:... I do know I'd be livid if I was on the call-in list and wasn't called:cursing:, how would you feel if you were on that list and could really use the extra jack? Seriously man, were people called and they all refused to come in or did the friend/t mgmt decide to:censored2:everybody and say hey, the report'll look good:sneaky2:. Please step back and do some research, please tell me I'm wrong and it was the former and not the latter. Hondo:drool::1eye:

Nope, not gonna tell you're wrong, Hondo. The Sunday start for my sort is really a pain in the A** because of the number of call-ins. That's when its really bad. My understanding is that for Sunday, people just don't show for double-shifting. Is that management's fault??? I'm not upset at the steward for protecting hourlies as far as double-shifting. I'm more upset at him for trying to drag me into his fight with UPS management.

Tie you know the sups work no matter if the area is staffed or not! But you want to piss and moan that the sups are working because of staffing, B.S! They work to make the numbers look better.

Yes and no, Red. In Denver, some will work only to help an hourly--pulling irregs, for one. Another might hop into a container 10 minutes before downtime to try to clear it. The steward happened to see that one and told the supervisor to stop. Livid doesn't even describe the supervisor's face. Sometimes sups will work because of staffing. It's getting to the point on my sort--Sunday start--that I'm getting p*ssed off because of the number of call-ins. By the way, Red, I did get written-up today--with a steward present--for being late twice in the last two weeks. I signed a sheet in the binder. I'm told the write-up would never stand up in a grievance hearing but I'm not going there. I made a mistake and accepted responsibility for it.

Yes hondo I do understand where the responsibility lies. The sup has half of her area missing in action. She now has to determine if they are just late or just absent no call. employers don't want the adversarial relationship. employees don't want to be beat into the adversarial relationship. Look at how you guys beat on rocky to push him to particiapate in the grieavance process. :thumbup1:

Half an area? LMAO! Sorry, Tie, but I just had a flashback to the other day when 75% of an area didn't show--call in or no call. That was a really frustrating night. I had words with a p/t sup over it, by the way, Red. And thanks for the defense, Tie. Not everyone likes to fight with management. The adversarial relationship is really a thing of the past--or it should be. And Red, I still refuse to participate in BULLSHINE grievances. Reasonable, accurate and grounded in reality grievances? ABSOULUTELY!!! I'm behind ya 100%.

Red I can honestly say that i have never had or seen where we worked sups because we wanted to make the numbers look better. I can honestly say they have worked when we either:
had too many quit, did not have enough show up for work or could not get enough to double shift when volume was heavy.

we want our sups running the areas, training, implementing quality control measures etc not loading cars.

This I would agree with. The sups on my sort are as bad as Red describes Chicago being. I've worked another sort and the guy seems to only work when he has to. And Tie, the p/t sup I keep mentioning worked to make her numbers better. No other reason. She pretty much told me once that she was ordered to work, a claim I just don't completely buy. Short-staffing is a routine occurence in this operation. Double-shifting isn't even enough to cover the vacations and call-ins. One side of the building looks like it went a round--a losing one, by the way--with a nuclear attack! This is even with supervisors working and looking more like hourlies than supervisors!

Not in chicago my friend, maybe rocky can agree with this one. The onlt time they stop is when we get announced over the radio, because we do building sweeps as many as 20 agents and stewards together to stop this violation. I can tell you that 1 building here last novemeber paid out over $9,000 in sups working for the month PAID OUT!

Nope, I can not agree with this statement, sir. I never saw this particular tactic at my suburban Chicago hub. I have a relative working in a Chicago hub and have never heard of this. I feel bad for him already but to have a BA come up and start screaming at him...I feel doubly bad. I'd honestly find it pretty amusing to see this effort in Denver:laugh::laugh:. The only time I can recall a BA being in my Chicago hub--and I'm honestly certain they were there much more--was when he screamed at a p/t sup to stop helping an hourly pull an irreg out of a container. They stop for the day when told by the steward here. It frustrated the h*ll out of the unload supervisor. I saw p/t and friend/t supervisors talking in hushed tones on catwalks, the p/t sup obviously quite angry. Sadly, Tie, it was amusing, though I personally never contributed to the frustration. -Rocky


Not in chicago my friend, maybe rocky can agree with this one. The onlt time they stop is when we get announced over the radio, because we do building sweeps as many as 20 agents and stewards together to stop this violation. I can tell you that 1 building here last novemeber paid out over $9,000 in sups working for the month PAID OUT!

interesting. almost sounds like a gang of bloods looking to start a gang war

. Now how is it though that you can get all these union lackeys to be motivated to look for sups working but you guys don't want to do anything about your brothers that cause the sups to work?

How about this the next time you get twenty guys motivated to do something about sups working you go out and visit everyone that called out that day and see if they really are home and really are sick. And make sure its a friday or monday when you go on your little easter egg hunt. In fact I'm glad you gave me this idea. this one is real easy and right up your alley. Whens the next time you will have this gang of twenty together?

Oh thats right you can't make any money for the kids college fund if you go and challenge the guys who make the grievances. can you.

In fact I bet you guys even tell your brothers to call out on the day you know you and 19 other union agents are planned to walk the hub. You probably purposely cause absenteeism problems on that day just to make sure you find sups working.


Red I can honestly say that i have never had or seen where we worked sups because we wanted to make the numbers look better. I can honestly say they have worked when we either:
had too many quit, did not have enough show up for work or could not get enough to double shift when volume was heavy.

we want our sups running the areas, training, implementing quality control measures etc not loading cars.

you need to come to our hub tie (and you too red). We have supes working all the time. They get annoyed when we get up in arms about it. The solution is simple: we're fully staffed, DON'T work. I mean to be honest if they're helping me out I don't mind nearly as much. When they're screwing us all (double teaming the sort isle/slide or unloading) I have a problem. That should NOT be allowed for one it makes a mess (preloaders can't keep up with double the amount of work coming...common sense). All its for is to get the sort down quicker. When we had staffing issues we understood that maybe it was necessary...thats no longer the case, they shouldn't be working.


Browncafe Steward
interesting. almost sounds like a gang of bloods looking to start a gang war

. Now how is it though that you can get all these union lackeys to be motivated to look for sups working but you guys don't want to do anything about your brothers that cause the sups to work?

How about this the next time you get twenty guys motivated to do something about sups working you go out and visit everyone that called out that day and see if they really are home and really are sick. And make sure its a friday or monday when you go on your little easter egg hunt. In fact I'm glad you gave me this idea. this one is real easy and right up your alley. Whens the next time you will have this gang of twenty together?

Oh thats right you can't make any money for the kids college fund if you go and challenge the guys who make the grievances. can you.

In fact I bet you guys even tell your brothers to call out on the day you know you and 19 other union agents are planned to walk the hub. You probably purposely cause absenteeism problems on that day just to make sure you find sups working.

Tie, maybe you sups should concentrate of doing supervisory positions like, taking corrective behavior measures on the call ins, anstead of doing union work. Are you going to tell me that you dont staff your areas expecting some call ins?

Tie all you have to do is transfer to chicago and see for your self how the sweeps go! I have been part of them 3 times and its something to see. You got to love it when an 18 year old sups wants to argue with you because he thinks hes right.

There used to be a time when you could go and apply for a job anywhere and once you said you work for ups, you would get hired immediately for the position. Now no one wants the job and we are losing our reputation as being the best workers around. Why? Starting pay, the workloads these kids have to do, inexperienced management(pt and ft), the list goes on. Tie i can tell you if we dont fix this ptime problem this company will go under in a matter of time, remember thses kids are the next drivers.


Tie, maybe you sups should concentrate of doing supervisory positions like, taking corrective behavior measures on the call ins, anstead of doing union work. Are you going to tell me that you dont staff your areas expecting some call ins?

Tie all you have to do is transfer to chicago and see for your self how the sweeps go! I have been part of them 3 times and its something to see. You got to love it when an 18 year old sups wants to argue with you because he thinks hes right.

There used to be a time when you could go and apply for a job anywhere and once you said you work for ups, you would get hired immediately for the position. Now no one wants the job and we are losing our reputation as being the best workers around. Why? Starting pay, the workloads these kids have to do, inexperienced management(pt and ft), the list goes on. Tie i can tell you if we dont fix this ptime problem this company will go under in a matter of time, remember thses kids are the next drivers.

Red you and I know with article 7 language a person can miss a lot time before they actually lose their job for attendance.

Red , the point is you have many options as shop steward to address supervisors working and you choose to exercise one of them. filing the paper for the cheap unearned money. You don't hold your own people accountable and its why management does not respect your efforts to stop them from working. most think the grievance process is nothing more then a license for thieves to steal. If they actually saw you addressing the issues that caused them to work then you would find you get a lot more respect and cooperation when you complain.

your twenty steward sweep is a terrific example. If you can get that many stewards together at one time then why not go out and see if your brothers who called out are actually sick or whether they are faking it and causing the conditions that force sups to work?


Browncafe Steward
Red you and I know with article 7 language a person can miss a lot time before they actually lose their job for attendance.

Red , the point is you have many options as shop steward to address supervisors working and you choose to exercise one of them. filing the paper for the cheap unearned money. You don't hold your own people accountable and its why management does not respect your efforts to stop them from working. most think the grievance process is nothing more then a license for thieves to steal. If they actually saw you addressing the issues that caused them to work then you would find you get a lot more respect and cooperation when you complain.

your twenty steward sweep is a terrific example. If you can get that many stewards together at one time then why not go out and see if your brothers who called out are actually sick or whether they are faking it and causing the conditions that force sups to work?

Tie its to hard to watch and document sups working and play ups attendance police! Your missing the point tie! It doesnt matter if the areas are fully staffed or not they work all the time!


Well-Known Member
Tie its to hard to watch and document sups working and play ups attendance police! Your missing the point tie! It doesnt matter if the areas are fully staffed or not they work all the time!

In the centers around here in NC, the part-timers could care less if the sups do hourly work or not as long as they can get out of doing it and get to go home early. The part-timers have been told time and time again to file on this and they refuse. They are afraid that if they file, then they will have to do more work, and that isn't going to happen.


Browncafe Steward
In the centers around here in NC, the part-timers could care less if the sups do hourly work or not as long as they can get out of doing it and get to go home early. The part-timers have been told time and time again to file on this and they refuse. They are afraid that if they file, then they will have to do more work, and that isn't going to happen.
Then have drivers file on it. Im not sure if you can union file a grievance were you are but that is how alot of our grievances for sups working get filed. Then the top senior affected p-timer would get the overtime pay!


Well-Known Member
Then have drivers file on it. Im not sure if you can union file a grievance were you are but that is how alot of our grievances for sups working get filed. Then the top senior affected p-timer would get the overtime pay!


We have done that hundreds of times, it doesn't even slow them down. Any other suggestions???


Browncafe Steward

We have done that hundreds of times, it doesn't even slow them down. Any other suggestions???

Alot of guys wont stand on a picket line over this issue, but we have in chicago. I suggest that you keep filing and let them know that you wont stop. After Thousands of dollars in grievances they will get the idea that you mean business!


Well-Known Member
Alot of guys wont stand on a picket line over this issue, but we have in chicago. I suggest that you keep filing and let them know that you wont stop. After Thousands of dollars in grievances they will get the idea that you mean business!

This sounds like it is a country or company wide issue. We too have the same problem, we even have a sup that just waits for a fulltimer to come in and ask yes just ask for the pay. We have people paid everyday for sups working in so much that the pay gets spread around to the part-timers everyday. Some get as much as 4 hours extra pay, the catch though is it is straight time not 1 1/2 pay. When we drivers file we get 1 1/2 pay.


Browncafe Steward
This sounds like it is a country or company wide issue. We too have the same problem, we even have a sup that just waits for a fulltimer to come in and ask yes just ask for the pay. We have people paid everyday for sups working in so much that the pay gets spread around to the part-timers everyday. Some get as much as 4 hours extra pay, the catch though is it is straight time not 1 1/2 pay. When we drivers file we get 1 1/2 pay.
Mittam do me a favor and look in your contract under article 3 section 7 ant tell me what it says!