Rocky to be honest with you your all over the place, bashing the teamsters, bashing the apwa, applauding the apwa. But if you have necer been wronged were does the hate for them come from?
I bash when its appropriate, Red. I'm a pretty reasonable individual. Why don't
you convince
me--unequivocally--that the Teamsters are the better choice. I'm asking APWA the same questions you are. Am I making it too easy for them somehow??? They've started demonstrating some credibility, which is what
all of us wanted, isn't it? This radio show out of Cincinnati is a start. When it gets to Danny Eason and Co. on Fox or CNN, I'll be much more intrigued. I don't hate the Teamsters, Red. I'm annoyed with them, partly for reasons explained above. Do you want
other reasons for my annoyance?
Rocky when theres call ins the company has options to cover that work, if they do not use those options then its a grievable offense!
not friend'ing fighting that battle with management!!!!! "Supervisor working" grievances just p*ss them off, which I don't need. Staying under the radar is where I'm most comfortable. That's not to say management can do whatever the

they want to me. They know that if I think I'm right, I'll make a fuss. And if I
know I'm right, I'm gonna fight like its going outta style

. Let me know if you want an example, Red.
We as stewards are elected to uphold the language in the contract that was agreed upon by management and the teamsters, what is so hard for you to understand? You have admitted to being disciplined by management without a steward and now you state that you refused to tell the truth about a supervisor working, and you are leary of the teamsters? I think we should be leary of you!
Great! Its not hard to understand, Red. We just have different approaches. As to being disciplined by management...nope, never had a write-up issued here in Denver. Last--and only--one was at my Illinois hub. I didn't have a problem with the discipline and still don't. I didn't refuse to tell the truth about a supervisor working, Red. I told the steward that if asked, I'd confirm seeing the supervisor working. My problem was with him putting my name on the grievance sheet. Once again, "on the radar." I don't need any more problems, Red. My personal life and school are enough, trust me! I have
enough stress in my life, I don't need to be watching my back at work. UPS has been
very good to me. I'm not going to start a fight without a
very good reason. And ya know something? The fights
I've started, I've
won AND didn't involve the union. UPS's internal mechanism has sufficed. Most of the problems I've had are internal/operational, anyway. UPS handles those problems better itself IMHO.
As to being leery of me...that's your call. I'm an honest, hardworking individual. I'm just not starting a fight with management OR stepping into a fight I didn't start! Can you tell I pick my battles with extreme care? -Rocky