Getting there....
i have to say that i did work 6 days (technically 7) and i did stay in the hotel twice this week. i think i had like 3 mins left on my 70hr limit this week. Felt zombied-out and felt like i was underwater and the end of the week. i think i will scale down.
i stayed in the hotel because i simply ran out of hours on night. And then the second night, i was having tractor problems. So, going home would be very risky---was right on the line for running out of hours; IF traffic was ok AND the tractor could make it back, then i would have made it. IF i had the shop take care of it and then tried to go home i wouldn't have the hours. Plus i was just tired anyways, so i decided to just go to the hotel.
Normally, i average staying in a hotel maybe once every two weeks when i 'm doing extra-board.
Other complaints in an otherwise incredible job, in my opinion:
1) Estrogen poisoning, in certain terminals:
If you don't mind being spoken to like a little kid and having certain "managers" talk to you like they're your mommy, then you'll be just fine. Now, why do they do this? Is it so they can feel power? Do they feel like they MUST talk like this or else no-one will take them seriously? i will address these concerns and the subject of estrogen poisoning in the workplace when there is more time. (NOTE: Not all female managers are like this, actually just a small % are.)
2) Fuel tanks too damn small:
We have to fill up everynight. We don't haul heavy in LTL (usually). So why not order trucks with larger tanks? Average weight, i think, is about 8000 per trailer. Usually 2 trailers. And lots of empty trailers.
Good points in an incredible job in my opinion.
Still having a blast, making i think good money with good benefits.