UPS driver poem


Retired 23 years
There once was a young man named Rod
Who once had a pretty good bod
But now he is older
His gut is much bolder
Some say he's become a real clod.:)


golden ticket member
Diadlover is our doodle guy
Laugh so hard I almost cry
He's fun on this site
with his sketching might
This is the last for me...goodbye!


Senior Member
Now D.S. is a Canuck
A mighty handsome buck.
With 2 cats in the house
There's never a mouse
And Deb brings him all the luck!

There is a poster named DS
More thinks his looks are the best.
If she saw me without the hair
the contest would not be fair.
.................................. .........



golden ticket member
Aspenleaf is a Colorado chick
With a new career to pick
It's nursing for her
School's just a blur
Now see her if you get sick.


golden ticket member
There is a poster named DS
More thinks his looks are the best.
If she saw me without the hair
the contest would not be fair.
So we'll have to judge by success


Life is a Highway...
The posters on here are whack!
But being Brown Bros I give them the shirt off my back!
I, like most here drive a brown truck!
When people cut in front of me I yell!.. Hey What the ****???!!!
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Well-Known Member
Global warming has turned up the heat.

You can pan fry your eggs on the street.

But I will get by

With my endless supply



Retired 23 years
Thirty days has Septober
April June and Nowonder
All the rest have peanut butter
Except my grandma- she has a little red tricycle
(Mad Magazine)


Staff member
Global warming has turned up the heat.

You can pan fry your eggs on the street.

But I will get by

With my endless supply

Of ice cream, popsickles, and Omaha Steak meat?


Senior Member
There is a poster named DiadLover.
A better artist, there is no other.
His posts are terse.
His turkey "dressing" is worse.
............................ .......

Y'all tell me when to stop.


Senior Member
There is a poster named Tie.
Some say, he dresses Fly.
Many times he has been bitten,
for the posts he has written.

............................. .......
