Well-Known Member
Rudy, wouldn't you consider what you are proposing to be a form of a two-tiered wage system?
Hall should show some guts and say, "Negotiations will continue when 30/60/90 is off the table."
How hard is that? Are we so afraid of UPS?
Could always make NEW HIRE employees pay for their insurance if they want it for 2-3 yrs. Then after that they get it at no cost. This will allow teamster to provide a great insurance plan like the way we have now without raising co pays .......etc.
I say no two-tiered wage or health insurance. We break our back for this company. This is not negotiable in my mind. Why we are still talking with UPS now is beyond belief.
Hall should show some guts and say, "Negotiations will continue when 30/60/90 is off the table."
How hard is that? Are we so afraid of UPS?
I was just quoting what hall said at the rally I attendend in February. What has changed in hall life since then to change his mind?And this from someone who can't negotiate a cell phone contract. hall has more guts in his pinky than you'll ever have. Are you even an alternate Steward?
That would result in an impasse being declared which is bad for workers. It can in some circumstances result in lockout and government intervention.
Sorry but it's not rumors. It's off of the website. Think about this, it's already April (a few hours away) and our contract ends in July and UPS still wants concessions from it workers. Hell no.let this all pan out. it is rumors, when there is something on table we can all talk about it. that is i am saying.. they are still talking which is a good thing...
The teamster press release said that UPS has proposed that the union take over administering our health coverage, but on the amended press release it said that the 30/60/90 payments was still on the table.From what I gather, and cannot find much info on, is that those that will be affected by 30/60/90 are only those in the ups health plan. I can't see how this applies to those presently in the union health plan. Ups gives the teamsters a set amount per month, lets say $1200, for the teamsters to supply the insurance.
The teamster press release said that UPS has proposed that the union take over administering our health coverage, but on the amended press release it said that the 30/60/90 payments was still on the table.
I take that to mean that UPS wants the teamsters to run our health care and wants us to pay 30/60/90.
It really doesn't make alot of sense to me. I think something does not feel right about this.
What no one has mentioned is the fact that UPS is even trying to get this. If UPS thinks this attempt will not severely strain its employee-employer relationship, they are sadly mistaken. Whether is passes or not, the long term damage is done. Way to go UPS.
I just read the pcm release on Here are my thoughts... the company is starting their propaganda about customers leaving us for the competitor. As it was stated above, time will put the pressure on them to pull it off the table. I'm just putting some money aside just in case and not reading too much into whats being said. I also read on this website that some management were selling their stock now knowing if we strike they'll be able to buy it back cheaper. I know a couple of guys in my center that have stock and they can't sell it right now. This would also be true for the top managers with the company. Letting one sell their shares and not the other would have them in hot water with the SEC.
Been living under a rock the last 15 years?
The 1997 strike was when the long-term damage was done.
If thats the case bend over boys and gals. Your insurance isnt going to be as good as it used to be unless your willing to pay for it. I hope everyone realizes this. X amount of $ can only go so far. So your telling me union employees who have been with UPS 10+ yrs should suffer so NEW HIRES get insurance right away when hired?