Well-Known Member
Oh you mean like the gov taxing the working man to give to the poor so they can buy/mop up the surplus goods and services of the rich (income re-distribution or trickle up) as a price support floor who then pay a cut out to the elected who serve as bosses of the federal and state employees who then administrate the whole thing! Hmmmm hows that working out. Lets see Obamacare hitting ups next year for $68 per person.
Just felt a little extra clarification might clarify the picture just a bit. You know like the working man being tagged with higher insurance costs as well as the actual healthcare direct costs as both are spiraling up. The whole time the profit lines of big insurance, big healthcare, big pharma are hitting record levels on Wall Street. Amazing that in the last 4 years of socialism, Wall Street has been the most happy.
Think people, THINK!