Hoaxter is close enough considering the variables. But for hard numbers....When I was a PT sup with the Traditional (read: expensive) PPO health care option, I was paying $72 a week for me, wife, and baby. The deductibles were $500 per person, $3000 out of pocket max, 85% coinsurance, prescriptions that ignore deductible, etc etc.
In comparison, the Healthy Savings option for me + family is something like $16 a week....terrible deductibles....like $6000 out of pocket max...and the family deductible had to be met before any coinsurance was paid....perscriptions are subject to the deductible...blah blah blah. Pretty wretched plan, basically. Only benefit is the savings on the premium from week to week.
Both plans are hardly anything to write home about. I'm certain that even if this contract requires teamsters to pay, the plans themselves will still be tons better than what we have to deal with.