UPS loses Costco account


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
Just be warned that once you retire you won't have time to post whore all day long like you do now,
You’re right! He will have more time. Have I ever told you how hard we had it??


Retired 23 years
The American dream. May you live forever.
No way- don't want to---the world is getting too screwed up for me now. If someone said I could start my life all over again stating now I would pass. I feel sorry for the kids being born now.What a screwed up world it is.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
No way- don't want to---the world is getting too screwed up for me now. If someone said I could start my life all over again stating now I would pass. I feel sorry for the kids being born now.What a friend'ed up world it is.
Hard to argue with you there.


Retired 23 years


Im not the Mail Man!
Think of the strategic reasons of essentially walking away from Amazon’s major competitors. It can’t be coincidental.


I know in our building we are delivering a lot more volume from medical companies, local and national, including the VA, good chunk of these are NDA or 2day.