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Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
The exact purpose of a Union. Non union jobs are just like that! No discussion, no severance. Just see ya! Maybe you’ve never been wrongly accused. I hope your always fairly judged and your hard work noticed. All I’m saying is that there’s security in a Union job and it’s necessary and welcomed. Yes we pay for it but it’s well worth it.
Why you get fired from your previous job?


Funny you’d ask,”what’d you do”, assuming I “did” anything. You must be one of those people who believe every defendant is guilty. Anyway, I was accused of stealing $50 from the register at a restaurant. First of all, if stealing, take enough to make it worth your while, and secondly, it was the pothead teenager who admitted it to me later. Oh well, who wants to work in the restaurant business anyway…. Just sucks being accused and if there was a Union, for instance, I would have had an opportunity to speak for myself. But I didn’t want to work for anyone who believed I was capable of that anyway. They could go ef themselves after that. Pride you know? Or maybe you don’t…
Your word against “pothead teenager” I’am
more inclined to believe “pothead teenager” than I am a Karen who won’t stand up for herself