Normally when people don't have insurance & have an expensive medical bills there are collections, liens & even bankruptcy to deal with but since you claimed he wouldn't pay a "single penny" that would lead us to believe that he is low-income. If that's the case, well, I have good news for your uncle, but it's bad news for hard working tax payers. Now, thanks to Obamacare, the free services he enjoyed as a "free-rider" before, are still free. Only now he can enjoy them with a sense of entitlement. He may not like Obamacare now but give it time. Once he figures out that he's getting something for free at someone else's expense, he'll be voting Democrat for life.
You can't collect money from somebody who doesn't have it. (And for the record, PolitiFact's Lie of the Year 2009 was the ObamaCare Death Panels - which never existed - and 2010 Lie of the Year was that ObamaCare is an attempt for the government to control your health insurance.... both brought to you by FOX News. PolitiFact is a conservative-leaning organization that FOX News itself frequently turns to to point out lies/bias elsewhere in the media).
And you're one of those people who happily votes for union-busters, believing that if the union didn't exist, you'd be earning similar compensation if not more.
You can't collect money from somebody who doesn't have it. (And for the record, PolitiFact's Lie of the Year 2009 was the ObamaCare Death Panels - which never existed - and 2010 Lie of the Year was that ObamaCare is an attempt for the government to control your health insurance.... both brought to you by FOX News. PolitiFact is a conservative-leaning organization that FOX News itself frequently turns to to point out lies/bias elsewhere in the media).
And you're one of those people who happily votes for union-busters, believing that if the union didn't exist, you'd be earning similar compensation if not more.
the Wall Street Journal said PolitiFact was "less seeker of truth than servant of power", after it ranked as "Lie of the Year" Sarah Palin's claim that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would lead to "death panels
Independent Payment Advisory Board = death panel. This is the medical rationing board that Palin was referring too but it appears you would rather cling to your ignorance of the subject than educate yourself by reading about it in the ACA.
It's been debunked as a death panel. But if you keep saying it, the magic fairy will make it true, right?
You can call it a horse if you like. The results are the same.
So...about your uncle again. Was he excited to hear about the free services he will now be entitled to at the expense of the working class?
it's always sad to see people who get their news from Jon Stewart on Comedy Central. It's on between Crank Yankers and South Park. And we wonder how Americans could be ignorant enough to elect Obama...twice.
it's always sad to see people who get their news from Jon Stewart on Comedy Central. It's on between Crank Yankers and South Park. And we wonder how Americans could be ignorant enough to elect Obama...twice.
I think you mean,,,,I hope I have enough change to pay 4 my cell phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Come on? He's for hope and change, and free cell phones!