Any NO voters care to respond?
While I may be new to this site, I am a 25 year plus driver and I do care to respond. Stink, I have read many of your comments here over the past month or so and you are obviously a very intelligent person. It is a pleasure to read a lot of the comments on this site. However, what financial shortfall the Company may be experiencing is of their own doing. I am a no voter and here is why. Yes, we have some of the best benefits and pay in this industry and we very much earn it each and every day. Not just because of the job itself but because the garbage being constantly thrown our way by management. Since I think we are all familiar with this behavior I won't go into it here, however I would be glad to give personal experiences if asked to.
My main beef is UPS's lack of long range planning. Everything is short term. The WOR is the best example of this. While Atlanta plan and prepares ahead, it's apparent that Operations is not allowed to do this. The constant cutting of routes and lack of planning around holidays is a case in point. Our operations this past peak(Nor Cal.) was a total disaster, especially AFTER Christmas. So many routes were cut, closes loaded into trucks and businesses that were open were not loaded. Pickups all over everywhere were missed. In fact, the whole month of December was one big cluster **** as well as the first half of January. I really think as big as this company is and as many resources as we have, the chickens are coming home to roost. Could it be many of these customers are finally becoming fed up with lousy service and may be taking some of their business to other carriers? Overcapacity in the airfreight market? Give me a break! I have land on beachfront property in Florida I'd like to sell you! If corporate in Atlanta really believes this garbage, or expects any of us to, then we are in big trouble! I am glad I'm retiring within a year. It's the new hires that I am concerned about. They have a long way to go. UPS is not even close to admitting that their business plan may not be working for the long term and even once they do, The Titanic does not turn away from disaster very quickly, as history has taught us. So in closing, I'm very hesitant to give up anything on this contract to compensate for their poor planning. My center manager, whom is a nice guy(he tries to be) has admitted to this poor planning. But, he can do little to fix it. He simply has do do as instructed from above. The real change has got to come down from corporate and does anyone honestly expect this to happen anytime soon? I'm just very glad I won't be here to find out. I'm afraid by the time UPS instigates real change, it may be too late. Thanks for your time and efforts for our cause.