UPS Special Pension Buyout Offer - December 2016

Carol Field

Active Member
I don't think I was attacking you, merely giving you a different way to look at it.
@bythebook - listen, we are all here because we got the buyout offer. We are sharing our experiences as they relate to that particular buyout offer (direct deposit (cash payout), rollover, or 1/2 and 1/2) Please stop being so mean. Gary Lyle has a right to do whatever the H*ll he wants to do with his monies. Maybe he's suffering from a life-threatening illness, maybe he's not. Save your advice for your friends and family members (who actually care about what you say)...all we care about is getting our buyouts. What we do with that $$$ is nobody's business but our own!!! We are all adults here, we all know how to file our tax returns...we do need "how-to instructions" from nobody. We all know how to spend, invest or save our monies as we see fit. So, take it easy.


@bythebook - listen, we are all here because we got the buyout offer. We are sharing our experiences as they relate to that particular buyout offer (direct deposit (cash payout), rollover, or 1/2 and 1/2) Please stop being so mean. Gary Lyle has a right to do whatever the H*ll he wants to do with his monies. Maybe he's suffering from a life-threatening illness, maybe he's not. Save your advice for your friends and family members (who actually care about what you say)...all we care about is getting our buyouts. What we do with that $$$ is nobody's business but our own!!! We are all adults here, we all know how to file our tax returns...we do need "how-to instructions" from nobody. We all know how to spend, invest or save our monies as we see fit. So, take it easy.
You go girl!!

Carol Field

Active Member
I didn't get one either. But I was fired. Were you fired?
@Submariner - you may still get the buyout. Keep your fingers and toes crossed because they mailed you the initial postcard, they accepted your paperwork...not sure if it was marked as "complete" but chin up...Santa may have a surprise for you. Think positive.:balloon::clover::sorcerer:


Active Member
@bythebook - listen, we are all here because we got the buyout offer. We are sharing our experiences as they relate to that particular buyout offer (direct deposit (cash payout), rollover, or 1/2 and 1/2) Please stop being so mean. Gary Lyle has a right to do whatever the H*ll he wants to do with his monies. Maybe he's suffering from a life-threatening illness, maybe he's not. Save your advice for your friends and family members (who actually care about what you say)...all we care about is getting our buyouts. What we do with that $$$ is nobody's business but our own!!! We are all adults here, we all know how to file our tax returns...we do need "how-to instructions" from nobody. We all know how to spend, invest or save our monies as we see fit. So, take it easy.
Sounds like this guy and the other know it all work for big government because the government just loves telling people what to do with their $$$$ lol


Active Member
I'd like to think that my advice, that you don't have to take was helpful. If you asked your parents for advice on this topic I think they may say some of the same things as @UpstateNYUPSer and myself. Would you tell them to mind their own business?,lol
I'm sure you'd like to think that. But thank god my parents didn't teach me to be pushy with unsolicited advice. Instead they taught me that every person has a unique situation, and to respect the adult decisions of others.
Thank you ver
@Submariner - you may still get the buyout. Keep your fingers and toes crossed because they mailed you the initial postcard, they accepted your paperwork...not sure if it was marked as "complete" but chin up...Santa may have a surprise for you. Think positive.:balloon::clover::sorcerer:
Thank you much for your kind words. It's amazing that the only guy I ever slugged may cost me my pension. I wonder if the guy I gabe a knuckle sandwich to will get one. It dosent matter I guess. Merry Christmas to you! This is Submariner signing off! Good luck to you all!


im taking the buyout.. i didnt take any comments the wrong way... It will change our tax situation, but it is what it is... If you dont agree, just ignore it...


@bythebook - listen, we are all here because we got the buyout offer. We are sharing our experiences as they relate to that particular buyout offer (direct deposit (cash payout), rollover, or 1/2 and 1/2) Please stop being so mean. Gary Lyle has a right to do whatever the H*ll he wants to do with his monies. Maybe he's suffering from a life-threatening illness, maybe he's not. Save your advice for your friends and family members (who actually care about what you say)...all we care about is getting our buyouts. What we do with that $$$ is nobody's business but our own!!! We are all adults here, we all know how to file our tax returns...we do need "how-to instructions" from nobody. We all know how to spend, invest or save our monies as we see fit. So, take it easy.
Preach it Sista!!!