Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20
25plus, the country has had a problem with its compass for a long time now and common sense is not so common. These are nothing new.
I honestly feel that if an investor is in it for the trade, or rather in it for a fast buck, then there is alot to be fearfull of. But if you do your research and invest in quality dividend stocks most will do fine. Take EFC for example. High yield with a medium to high risk. Pays out a 13% divi. If the market drops 10% I am still up 3% at the end of the year.
If you are in the market you are doing only one of 2 things(options excluded).1. you are betting that what you buy today you can sell to someone else at a later date for more than what you paid for it, in other words you are TRADING. or, 2. You are investing your money in companies that pay a dividend, UPS being an EXCELLENT example. With divi stocks your money works for you to generate an income without reguards to what others think the stock is "worth."
I have a full time job that I absolutely love. I have no desire to compete with "traders" who do it for a living and thats all they do. I have very little desire to make a fast buck. But I also would like the money I work hard for and set aside for later in life to actually do something other than sit in a savings account earning .01%. Divi stocks let me sleep very, very well at night.
If you want excitement go to a casino or take 10% of your money and "speculate." Invest the other 90% in divi stocks or DGI stocks if you are closer to retirement. Use tax sheltered accounts for retirement as much as possible and plan ahead. Whats the point in working hard for 30+ years just to sit around the house because when you can no longer work and all you have is SS and thus can not afford to do anything or go anywhere???
Personaly, I want to travel EVERYWHERE and see EVERYTHING.