UPS: tentative agreements were not ratified


Well-Known Member
Please get your verbiage correct. The TA did not pass at all. Rather, it was ratified strictly by IBT constitutional rule.

Huge difference. Especially to those that took the time to vote.

Yes, I need to put that verb down in my head so I can explain to union members what happen.

Ratify is informally accepting the contract but can change later.

Pass is formally accepting the contract AS-IS permanently.

I think Tyler drop the ball on that while it is an emotional roller coaster.


Well-Known Member
Please get your verbiage correct. The TA did not pass at all. Rather, it was ratified strictly by IBT constitutional rule.

Huge difference. Especially to those that took the time to vote.
Absolutely true, It did not pass and did not get voted down. It was ratified and imposed. Our leadership negotiated a contract and the majority of membership did not care enough to override their negotiated agreement. Seems so simple but people can’t accept reality.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, I need to put that verb down in my head so I can explain to union members what happen.

Ratify is informally accepting the contract but can change later.

Pass is formally accepting the contract AS-IS permanently.

I think Tyler drop the ball on that while it is an emotional roller coaster.
The members dropped the proverbial ball of anything.

The Real Jack RyanMI6

Well-Known Member
Why should anyone in future contract voting take the time to vote?
It is quite apparent that our votes do not count when there are agendas in place.
If a 2/3 majority is needed of those votes cast, it should play both ways. 2/3 to pass 2/3 to fail.
Once part time union employees are factored out(because we all know that the majority of them do not care about contracts as they rarely make it through 2 consecutive contracts) the percentages are well above 50 %.
Quite the Opposite we need to fight to get everybody to be adults ans vote if anything fright showed the way on that. Yes, im aware there numbers are far far fewer than package. Still we need to learn from our past no matter how fresh or ancient. If anything this contest needs to be used as a Warning voice. We need to impress on the younger members never ever again, Next Election EVERY TEAMSTER VOTES! EVERY TEAMSTER HAS A VOICE, EACH AND EVERY TEAMSTER MATTERS, SO EVERYONE VOTES!!! Thats the lesson, thats our war cry.


Only way outs inna box
Quite the Opposite we need to fight to get everybody to be adults ans vote if anything fright showed the way on that. Yes, im aware there numbers are far far fewer than package. Still we need to learn from our past no matter how fresh or ancient. If anything this contest needs to be used as a Warning voice. We need to impress on the younger members never ever again, Next Election EVERY TEAMSTER VOTES! EVERY TEAMSTER HAS A VOICE, EACH AND EVERY TEAMSTER MATTERS, SO EVERYONE VOTES!!! Thats the lesson, thats our war cry.

You do realize these same people that didnt vote come and go all the time. As well as imposing their hollow existence on the rest of us. Ya remain positive but dont fool yourself or others. This isnt over. If you listened to call they said they said they were going back under the table. If anything should be learned from this is that the members arent listened to
and those that aren’t listening need to be eradicated from the brotherhood.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Please get your verbiage correct. The TA did not pass at all. Rather, it was ratified strictly by IBT constitutional rule.

Huge difference. Especially to those that took the time to vote.
Looking at the bottom line. Your vote note Facebook family of 20,000, The IBT’s vote push, UPS’s vote push, and your own local unions vote push plus The TDU/Teamster United and I don’t want to forget Wideloads HUGE contribution didn’t get enough people to vote. There is some good news to this equation though. All of these collectively were able to get 24% more votes that last contract. This is a moral victory. You deserve a pat on the back for voting. I personally thank you for your vote. Thank you for taking part in the process. Now enjoy your newly ratified contract.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Yep this contract passes by default.
Not enough people voted.

Not enough of the people's votes were counted. Fixed it for you!

Please get your verbiage correct. The TA did not pass at all. Rather, it was ratified strictly by IBT constitutional rule.
Huge difference. Especially to those that took the time to vote.

Until the lawsuit hits. It was never said nor eluded to that this was the final offer! Those two words, "final offer," will carry the day!

Dennis Taylor's next job will put him officially on the UPS payroll, no more money under the table or put into offshore bank accounts! Hoffa Jr. is done! He'll ride off into the sunset knowing he :censored2:ed 1/2 million UPS Teamsers!

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Not enough of the people's votes were counted. Fixed it for you!

Until the lawsuit hits. It was never said nor eluded to that this was the final offer! Those two words, "final offer," will carry the day!

Dennis Taylor's next job will put him officially on the UPS payroll, no more money under the table or put into offshore bank accounts! Hoffa Jr. is done! He'll ride off into the sunset knowing he :censored2:ed 1/2 million UPS Teamsers!
I am guessing 46% of the voters don't agree with you.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
The master has passed. Now it’s time to play the supplement game. Unless you are in the eastern region. Then you are stuck with how it is.
No way your an agent or officer. The contract didn’t come close to passing. The word you’re looking for is “imposing”

verb (used with object), im·posed,im·pos·ing.
  1. to lay on or set as something to be borne, endured, obeyed, fulfilled, paid,etc.:to impose taxes.
  2. to put or set by or as if by authority:to impose one's personal preference on others.
  3. to obtrude or thrust (oneself, one'scompany, etc.) upon others.