UPS to freeze pension plans for nonunion staffers


Nine Lives
Disagree. Did you not see my post.
Yes, I bought my house in 1999 and 18 years later it is worth maybe 40% more than when purchased.
My other investments have gained more than 300% in that same time.
Therefore, my belief that a house is not a good investment.
I always bought houses way below what I qualified for.
If you don't double your investment within 7 years, it was not a good investment.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Would you pull your money out when the market is in the dumps?
Then why would I start putting my money in the market when it is artificially high and due for a correction?
For one it starts the habit of saving.

Two if you could time the market you wouldn't be a ups driver. Just because it's due doesn't mean it'll happen. You could miss out on 2-3 years of growth waiting for a correction.


Fight the power.
Yes, I bought my house in 1999 and 18 years later it is worth maybe 40% more than when purchased.
My other investments have gained more than 300% in that same time.
Therefore, my belief that a house is not a good investment.
I always bought houses way below what I qualified for.
If you don't double your investment within 7 years, it was not a good investment.
"Other investments" could have easily tanked and been worth nothing. A lot of people would say you were "lucky".


Nine Lives
That depends where you live. Out here in Cali people have made a killing before and after the housing crisis.
Oh yeah ... I have a friend who bought 4 houses back in 2009 -2012 and sold them all and was up over half-mill after costs and taxes in 2015 when she sold the last one.


Inordinately Right