UPS to freeze pension plans for nonunion staffers


Nine Lives
It will be our main house for a few years lol. Then When we have the wife's school loans paid off we will sell and use the proceeds as a down payment on our dream home.
Be careful with that dream house ... it's 'dreamy aspects' wear off in a few years and you are stuck.
Never spend more than 20% of your total after tax wealth on your main house.
Wealth buys freedom and flexibility.

Of course, that is my opinion based on my life experiences.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
First thing we did when we moved into this house was rip up the carpet in the bedrooms. Gorgeous 100+ year old hardwood underneath, just needed a little love. Why in the world people would carpet this house is beyond me.
We have some hardwood under ours. Gorgeous is not the word I would use to describe them. Lol


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Be careful with that dream house ... it's 'dreamy aspects' wear off in a few years and you are stuck.
Never spend more than 20% of your total after tax wealth on your main house.
Wealth buys freedom and flexibility.

Of course, that is my opinion based on my life experiences.
There's a lot of things I can talk the wife into.

Downsizing her dream home isn't One of them lol. She makes way more than me and as I've always told her as long we both max out our retirement account I don't really care where the rest goes.