UPS to freeze pension plans for nonunion staffers


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Not every job pays $100k+ to make that viable. 401k for most people in America is all that is provided by their employers and isn't enough to retire on by itself, even if maxed out.
How is it not enough if maxed out?

20k for 35 years is 700k that's before any growth.


Half of the things I mentioned can be done outside of your employer....if those aren't viable options then get a different job....if that isn't a viable option then you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Are you suggesting a higher minimum wage?! Lol
I'm suggesting that everyone's situation is different and that it's not so black and white when it comes to providing security for ones retirement.


I'm suggesting that everyone's situation is different and that it's not so black and white when it comes to providing security for ones retirement.
Well if there is a pension they are still paying into if they don't have a pension they can put that money in something else (what I mentioned above) It's not how much you's how you spend it.
I'm suggesting that everyone's situation is different and that it's not so black and white when it comes to providing security for ones retirement.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
When he says two tier wage he doesn't mean two progression steps, he means new hires will have a lower top rate. He repeats this theory over and over like a freakin broken record.
If the company was hell bent on this and thought it was realistic they would of held off on Saturday delivery another year and we'd see a hiring freeze basically right now.

Instead drivers are being hired left and right.
I mean how many guys are really getting fired for good?

For non stupid :censored2:? Lol

If you can't find people to do the job for $35 an hour what are the chances of finding a plethora of them to do it for $25...
I've also seen several guys in the last few years walk out. And they were at top rate.

Let me put it this way. If I didn't have so much time in, I would probably work at a freight company.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Not every pension is in trouble.
No but enough have went under plus SS which was set up to essentially be a pension. That they've proven not to be an effective model.

Like I've said a million times. They were effective when people retired at 50-55 and died at 65. They aren't effective now that those retiring at 55 are living into their 80's.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
The limit is $18,000 and that's before any losses and inflation as well.
The limit goes up almost every year. 20k was a conservative estimate for the average of someone starting in the last 10 years.

The market on average goes up about 10% per year. That's over 80+ years of history. Are there a few lost decades sure. But you're going to gain over a 35 year career not lose.