UPS when 9/11 happened


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Are you saying you’d rather work with the security guard who gets his weapon taken by a schizo hobo and now you both get shot?
I'm not sure what any of that means but I find someone approaching me prepared to draw to be a pretty hostile gesture.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Remember watching the news,and those beepers going off. Everyone of those would be a buried in the rubble first responder. And finding no one alive, all pulverized.


Well-Known Member
Giants played at Denver the night before on MNF. I was 26. Live about 40 miles from NYC. It was one of the nicest weather days you could ever imagine. Not a cloud in the sky.

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
What's the truth?
The American Empire and its trying to shove this farce secular liberal democracy around the world INFlamed the anger and mindset that led to those planes going into those buildings. Read about the soviets and Afghanistan. American has been in this constant total war, realist position since the war of Nothern aggression! It got a lot of its citizens murdered that day!


Only way outs inna box
I was in college and had a calculus test so I went early to do some last minute studying. Everyone was glued to the one television in the hallway. Just then I saw live the second plane hit. Listening to the reporters complete shock and confusion was terrifying.

Then the teacher decided to have the test anyway. Later on she told us it was the lowest scores she's ever had on a test and she apologized and we all retook the test the following week. Smart enough to teach Multivariable Calculus, but not smart enough to realize watching thousands of people die right before our test might affect our ability to concentrate. Worst college professor I ever had.


Well-Known Member
The twin towers collapsed because of steel beam structure was heated and buckled by burning airplanes full of fuel. The slabs between floors slammed down like pancakes.

Here is food for thought: lazy and fat ass federal employees in CIA, NSA, and FBI failed to do their jobs (can't connect the dots). The federal government is still full of them today!
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Only way outs inna box
The twin towers collapsed because of steel beam structure was heated and buckled by burning airplanes full of fuel. The slabs between floors slammed down like pancakes.

Here is food for thought: lazy and fat ass federal employees in CIA, NSA, and FBI failed to do their jobs (can't connect the dots). The federal government is still full of them today!


Well-Known Member
The twin towers collapsed because of steel beam structure was heated and buckled by burning airplanes full of fuel. The slabs between floors slammed down like pancakes.

Here is food for thought: lazy and fat ass federal employees in CIA, NSA, and FBI failed to do their jobs (can't connect the dots). The federal government is still full of them today!
How much fuel were in the 767/757s compared to a B25? 10x?
Very different construction of Empire State and WTC.


Well-Known Member
How much fuel were in the 767/757s compared to a B25? 10x?
Very different construction of Empire State and WTC.

If I remember correctly, because of this there was a change for fueling planes. Used to fill up the tanks every trip. Now they calculate how much they need and add a little extra and that’s it. Thought I remembered hearing this in one of the documentaries I’ve watched.


nowhere special
If I remember correctly, because of this there was a change for fueling planes. Used to fill up the tanks every trip. Now they calculate how much they need and add a little extra and that’s it. Thought I remembered hearing this in one of the documentaries I’ve watched.
The hijackers picked trans Atlantic flights (the 767's that hit the towers) because they would be loaded with fuel.

Drink Craft Beer

Well-Known Member
After I was done with preload, I was sitting in my car at my 2nd job, listening to Howard Stern as I was waiting to go in.

Then I hear him say " Did you feel that? Are we having an earthquake or something?"

Then I broke the news to my co-workers.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
The twin towers collapsed because of steel beam structure was heated and buckled by burning airplanes full of fuel. The slabs between floors slammed down like pancakes.

Here is food for thought: lazy and fat ass federal employees in CIA, NSA, and FBI failed to do their jobs (can't connect the dots). The federal government is still full of them today!

So it took a plane full of fuel to get hot enough to melt steel and then the weight made it come down in a perfect implosion. So what is your theory on building 7 that wasn’t hit by anything but also came down in a perfect implosion?


US GOVERNMENT: We found the paper passport of one of the high-jackers in the rubble.

Jesus Christ cmon guys you know how dumb that sounds?



The twin towers collapsed because of steel beam structure was heated and buckled by burning airplanes full of fuel. The slabs between floors slammed down like pancakes.

Here is food for thought: lazy and fat ass federal employees in CIA, NSA, and FBI failed to do their jobs (can't connect the dots). The federal government is still full of them today!
We knew the planes were coming

We were ready to take them down and we’re told to “STAND DOWN !”