Ups Working Termination?


Browncafe Steward
Great advice, demand to see managements paperwork? You guys work for management. When someone asked me to see my paperwork, I laugh at them. When someone asks me who's watching my supervisors do union work, I laugh. Managment doesn't have to answer any union personell PERIOD.
Another part time sup that has no control over his work area hating on the Teamster employees! Its amazing that the few bad seed management posters here are portrayed as the leadership of this company! We have a handful of good management people on here but the majority would screw up our drive thru orders at McDonald's!

Now make sure your ID is visible at all times!


Active Member
You don't. You might as well quit if you are going to load misloads. The guy that told you it's a free day when someone else walks into your truck is a worthless maroon. Try reading the labels out loud. Or take a crayon into work with you and slash every label before you load it.

yeah might as well quit. yes i do, i do mark through them. i had a bad week everyone dose it. i havent had any in 3 weeks so you tell me what now?


Active Member
Don't listen to people like "UPSSOCKS" and the like. Management, particularly the dispatch and preload sups in this case, know that they are screwing up by constantly adding and cutting stops and are using you as a scapegoat. When there are multiple preloaders (and probably preload sups: but you don't have to acknowledge that) walking in and out of the trucks and loading and reloading packages what the hell else is going to happen? To not have misloads would be a miracle. The best way to fight this is to try and read each label in each truck before you leave. Your sups will, of course, want you off the clock and when that happens just document it. Also.....slow down and read each label twice. I'm sure you'll be yelled at for not being able to keep up but don't worry about that. They can't have their cake and eat it too.
Thanks for the support. Its about time someone is on my side.


Welcome to the world of UPS. You will probably see many more of those letters over the years, if that's how your management team works. You will have misloads, you will get spoken to about it. Do the job to the best of your ability. If you see other loaders, or supervisors loading packages into your car, make a mental note of it and then write it down when you have time. Write down the truck # and approx time you witnessed this. Nobody is prefect, not does the company expect you to be. That's why they have the frequency set at 1/2000, or whatever it may be. If you have an exsesive # of misloads, then either you have a reading problem, or a lack of proper training problem. You don't seam to have a reading problem, since you said you've been three weeks without a miload, nor do I suspect you have a lack of proper training problem. IMHO, you have an over zelous management problem, but, that can only be a guess, since we don't know what your record of misloads is. In the future, if you get anohter one of those letters, immediately file a grievance as protest. Just to have it on file that you don't agree with their finding.


New Member
Grats on getting your job back. More than likely your Sups needed a Sacrificial lamb because of heat from above for their inability to dispatch. Not uncommon in my center for Sups to come down with add/cuts 5 to 10 minutes before driver start and not find all of the pkgs. Guess who gets the blame. Make notes to CYA. Grats again


Well-Known Member
Talk to your steward about this one. Sounds like they missed a few steps if I understand correctly. You need to receive a warning, suspension, then termination. Take this serious and have it removed from your record if you can. Warning letters fall off your record in 9months...terminations do not go away. Then, do not try to be flash. Take your time and double check every package prior to putting it on the car. They may need to give you help on your pull, but you will cover your after backer


Well-Known Member
Well guys got my Job back just to let you all know!

Congrats, now stop misloading and you will never have to worry about losing your job again. Be a good teamster and don't let the lazy, worthless ones influence your work ethic. Obviously you care or you would of never started this thread..


Browncafe Steward
Congrats, now stop misloading and you will never have to worry about losing your job again. Be a good teamster and don't let the lazy, worthless ones influence your work ethic. Obviously you care or you would of never started this thread..
I love little pimple faced punk sups like your self! I will bet a paycheck that you do not talk to anyone at work the way you do on here! I know a bunch of people that would have cleaned your clock already and just handed over their ID as they stepped over you on the way out of the building!


I love little pimple faced punk sups like your self! I will bet a paycheck that you do not talk to anyone at work the way you do on here! I know a bunch of people that would have cleaned your clock already and just handed over their ID as they stepped over you on the way out of the building!

Red! I'm shocked! How can you condone child abuse?! Just give him his bottle and he'll be happy...Maybe a nap and a burp too. Maybe something for the next contract? All sups need nap tim...oh, wait, nevermind, most of the time it seems they're asleep at the wheel anyways.


Well-Known Member
I love little pimple faced punk sups like your self! I will bet a paycheck that you do not talk to anyone at work the way you do on here! I know a bunch of people that would have cleaned your clock already and just handed over their ID as they stepped over you on the way out of the building!

I know you teamsters have trouble reading, but I am not a supervisor. How many times do I have to write it. Thank god we don't give you guys literacy test, if we did there would be none of you left to rent. I don't even like supervisors unless I need union work done, then I turn to them.

Actually I had a girl throw a punch at me not so long ago. She missed and caught her union steward in the shoulder. She was a big girl, glad she missed cause it would of been humiliating. Definitely would of made a mark.


Browncafe Steward
I know you teamsters have trouble reading, but I am not a supervisor. How many times do I have to write it. Thank god we don't give you guys literacy test, if we did there would be none of you left to rent. I don't even like supervisors unless I need union work done, then I turn to them.

Actually I had a girl throw a punch at me not so long ago. She missed and caught her union steward in the shoulder. She was a big girl, glad she missed cause it would of been humiliating. Definitely would of made a mark.
If your not a sup why do you always refer to you doing something or we? Its obvious that if you are a sup your a peon part timer with zit cream all over his face!

You almost got beat up by a girl! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
If your not a sup why do you always refer to you doing something or we? Its obvious that if you are a sup your a peon part timer with zit cream all over his face!

You almost got beat up by a girl! HAHAHAHAHAHA

He's one of those dip###ts that bashes the union right up until the day he needs their representation.


Well-Known Member
If your not a sup why do you always refer to you doing something or we? Its obvious that if you are a sup your a peon part timer with zit cream all over his face!

You almost got beat up by a girl! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Not a part timer and haven't had zits in sixteen years. Peon is an interesting word. If you think Part Time supervisors are peon's what do you think you Union bums are. 3/4's of you try to make a career out of Part Time jobs. Personally I think Teamsters and P/T sups are Peon's, but part time sup's can tell you what to do. Actually I am a Peon if you look at the big picture. I have more stripes than you though. And yes I almost got beat up by a girl............


No It's not green grocer!
Socks if you think any one here really cares who you are or what you do you are sadly mistaken!! I do enjoy the entertainment of your stupid, troll posts though.

Keep it up!!


Brian Borrego
I know Im later here bu theres no such thing as getting fired for missloads you might get fired "loading" wise but you can get placed in SS,UNL or SA


Well-Known Member
Socks if you think any one here really cares who you are or what you do you are sadly mistaken!! I do enjoy the entertainment of your stupid, troll posts though.

Keep it up!!

Are you still bitter about not passing your part time supervisor test? I'll give you a hint; you have to be consistent with your answers. Good Luck next time you take it. By the by the Titans haven't won a game yet. They never should of stepped on that Terrible Towell. That haven't won a game since.......

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I know Im later here bu theres no such thing as getting fired for missloads you might get fired "loading" wise but you can get placed in SS,UNL or SA

Sorry to bust your bubble but you can get terminated for excessive misloads. The Union should help you and have the company use progressive disipline but if you stay in the same position and cannot clean up your act i.e. stop missorting out the door you go.
Your referance to getting placed in another department like small sort or the unload is a good manager putting you in a position where you can succeed. But this may not always be the case

The moral of the story here is to do your job to the best of your ability.Work as fast as you can without sacrificing accuracy and no-one should bother you. ( Unless socks is in your location then I do not have an answer that I can type here)
As for Socks I take great exception to your deragatory comments about teamsters in this threard and others, especially the part timers.
There are a lot of people ,the majority in my opinion who come in work hard and do a good job so they can make life better for thier families and themselves.Why should they put up with a person like you, if all you have written is in fact what you believe to be true.
How about the single mom raising young children working pt so her kids can have medical benefits,the college kids going to school during the day and working the sort aisle for 4 and a half at nite, the guys working a factory job during the day and giving up their evenings with their families to work at ups because their day job doesn't have medical benefits. Who speaks for these people? Not you ! Please do not even bother with saying in reply that the company gives them the good pay and benifits. The only reason they get both and protection from people with your attidute is the IBT.