Content Questions!


Well-Known Member
Another idea for the webpage is to write and post a link on what happens when you do bid on a job or go fulltime . Please see the thread "Full time Progression". These questions should be in the faq section so that the mystery is gone from job changes/promotions. etc. This info should not come from browncafe. This site's function is to give UPSers a chance to kvetch about their superiors. And genuflect to tieguy.


Well-Known Member
I go simply for the paycheck info.

Occasionally I browse the local/regional news but its usually not interesting to me.

What I want is a place on the website where I can buy pieces of the UPS uniform. My center won't get me new uniform and I pretty much wear the smae thing every day.


Well-Known Member
Guys...good job reviving a post just about a year old! I'd expect that from Griff......

I go to the site for two reasons to view my check prior to coming into work Thursday morning. I know if there is a mistake before we are even handed them. The second being to follow the progress of my sales leads.

Those of you who think it's work to log into a computer while your home and see your forecast for the next day isn't thinking straight.

Gives you a pretty damn good idea to call in sick or not, no?


Well-Known Member
Guys...good job reviving a post just about a year old! I'd expect that from Griff......

I go to the site for two reasons to view my check prior to coming into work Thursday morning. I know if there is a mistake before we are even handed them. The second being to follow the progress of my sales leads.

Those of you who think it's work to log into a computer while your home and see your forecast for the next day isn't thinking straight.

Gives you a pretty damn good idea to call in sick or not, no?

So, are you saying that if you don't like what you see in the work forecast, you should call in sick? How did you get today off?

Al From So Cal

New Member
Too bad you make it impossible for us "retirees" to access
I guess once we're out the door...we matter no more?? At least, so I was told by the administrator when I found I could no longer log on after I retired a couple of years ago. :dissapointed:

It would still be nice to see what it happening with Big Brown, even when we are no longer dressed in browns.


Man of Great Wisdom
Come on here to get the real news on Big Brown. Corporate generated news is all spin. This is the company that brags about PAS and saving miles after all. As for, view paycheck, discounts and 401k/stock. BM