Easy there, cowboy. The OP has a valid point. Yes, I am a vet, but there is no way I would expect my employer to keep my job open for 10 years while I played soldier. Serving for 10 years means he reenlisted at least two times which would make him a career soldier.
Some people play soldier. Other people are soldiers. And some soldiers even though they have served their tour reenlist so that they don't leave their squad mates behind because they feel their presence will help get them all home. They don't do this thinking of themselves. They put others first.
So just as I'll hold the door for him, let him be seated at a restaurant before me and maybe even pick up his check, yea he can have that hypothetical precious vacation week pick ahead of me. I would have gotten to pick for ten years ahead of him and the odds of me getting shot at while I did so were probably not quite as high.
Out of 80+ or so of this persons available years of his lifespan on earth he has sacrificed 10 of them in the service of his country and people are really going to squabble over his place in line? Here's a little test. Those people who are at the building who did not serve, who got to go through a menial job at UPS those 10 years, speak up and tell us what they did with their lives during that 10 year period. If it's equally as valuable and selfless then let them stay in their place in line. The rest can step to the right and let a soldier through.