Hey there! Wondering if there's anything in the contract or if anything experienced something similar. So here's the scenario, over a year ago I was hired as a cover driver, I was trained in one route because the full time driver that was on the route now works inside the building. The full-time driver that bid the route both hated it and couldn't qualify on it. In fact, the route has so many businesses and bulk stops that whenever I'm not on the route the other driver misses businesses AND pickups. So, I'm taught on that one route and told that I'll be trained on new routes eventually because someone will bid it. Over a year later and I'm still on the route as a part time cover driver with no holiday/sick days and cover driver pay. The only days I don't work the rout are days that are very slow, in that case a cover driver with more seniority than me will run the route and miss both businesses and pickups which means my next day is hell. Is there anything in the contract that prevents them from using cover drivers as a full time driver? I can't even imagine the amount of money they've saved by using me instead of a full time driver on this route. I was somehow hoping I could grieve for top rate or something which would make me much happier considering that after I finish my route im always forced to grab 20 stops off a neighboring driver before I can head in.