Southern Supplement, which I guess you're not under is as follows Art 60 section c
(C) Effective each calendar year, all seniority employees, excluding part-time employees hired after August 1, 2002 shall be entitled to seven (7) days by combining two (2) personal holidays with the equivalent of five (5) days sick leave. part-time employees hired after August 1, 2002 will be entitled to this benefit after being employed three (3) full calendar years and having worked one hundred and fifty-six (156) reports the prior year. In order for a seniority employee to he eligible for this benefit, he/she must have been employed one full calendar year and have worked one hundred and fifty-six (156) reports during his/her prior calendar year. As a result of changing from contract year to calendar year no employee may gain nor lose option benefits.
I typed the bold lettering for others to think they can circumvent the vacation selection system because they can't get the week they want off and string together 5 days in row. 5 days are meant for sick days, after the third they can require a doctors note to return to work.
In our Supplement you can choose before vacation selection if you:
Option 1 sell back vacation
Option 2 take an extra week scheduled in seniority order
Option 3 7 days to be used as outlined above