Man of Great Wisdom
There is overtime involved with this job. Don't work part time for 37 years waiting for a full time opportunity and then whine about overtime.
Depends on how much overtime. Nobody likes to work 11 hours a day doing what we do. Eventually it gets old and you just want to go home. Besides, 11 hour days wears a body out.There is overtime involved with this job. Don't work part time for 37 years waiting for a full time opportunity and then whine about overtime.
Depends on how much overtime. Nobody likes to work 11 hours a day doing what we do. Eventually it gets old and you just want to go home. Besides, 11 hour days wears a body out.
Our cover drivers do 6 differents days of garbage. Hell, most try to run out of hours so they don't have to come in on saturdays. The chance that a cover driver could stay on a route for a week is unheard of in my center.
There is overtime involved with this job. Don't work part time for 37 years waiting for a full time opportunity and then whine about overtime.
Unassigned drivers and TCDs cover for all vacations and absences. Just like anywhere else I guess. It is bad that ANYONE can't get protection. Seniority shouldn't dictate whether someone is deserving of the 9.5 list.
It doesn't matter how "pro active" they are if another driver can come in and bump them off the route they've been running for four days already. Now management will just say "We didn't reassign him. He was bumped by another driver. Totally not our fault. And he doesn't have four years in as a driver either by the way. Sorry." PLUS.....there are plenty of weeks when vacations aren't heavy that don't allow unassigned drivers to stay on a route entire week.The only people that weren't pro active in this case was those that were responsible for the lack luster language. No matter which side of the table they were sitting on.
Finally, I have to disagree with the notion that everyone should have 9.5 protection. In all organizations, someone has to be available to take the undesirable jobs/chores; in a family, kids don't have a say on whether they take out the garbage or clean the dishes.
Just as long as you send it in.One other thing: one might think with the sides I've been arguing here I sent in my vote some time ago. I have not, as I really ponder these things through.
REALLY!?!?! Are you insane? I mean its no surprise to see such a pompous comment from the very same guy that doesn't think he should have to take the vacation weeks that he had chosen when others could have chosen them instead. Do people with less seniority than you have the right to use the restroom in your center or is there a special room out back (a cardboard box with a bucket and a rag) that you personally have created for the bottom feeders to use? Man, you need to get over yourself. I hope we don't have too many people with your attitude on the negotiationing committee. But based on what I've read in the TA it would seem that's just wishful thinking.
Pompous, as in I think i am better, and the whole purpose of that statement was to show how important i was. No, I said that as my opinion, and then used the rest of my post to show why I came to that conclusion using facts, not my own ideas. For starters I was a newbie, and have already been through this, as have just about every other driver employed. What makes those coming in higher than any of us that they don't have to work through what we did, and especially considering it may present an extraordinary cost to the company and cause them to take away benefits for those who have already done the time.
You point out how i use my vacations. I had to earn that, working my way to this point (and all while some of the more senior drivers were probably working their vacations, denying me the chance to cover their route, but did it matter? No, just do some trash, but
learn the areas and make oneself invaluable, so they won't be so quick to cut you loose. That's what i did in that situation; the fact that anyone can do that (and some much, much better than I can or did) precludes me from having an over-inflated value of myself.
You like picking vacations in the summer? Glad your seniority affords you the opportunity to get the choice pickings, rather than a random lottery draw? I am willing to bet far more drivers with less than four years would prefer being to take a summer vacation with their families, rather than be able to get on the 9.5 list (I was in the minoirty; it's cheaper off-season, and the destinations ate less-ctowded). They learn to accept that while low on the vacation list they aren't going to get that week in summer, and they'll adapt to being low man on totem pole, and being sent to rescue/help another driver and stay out late.
In all walks of life the low-man doesn't have it the best (unless you are the youngest im your family, so I've heard). Why are up-and-comers any differen?
Must be even worse up north otherwise you'd understand that the language DOES NOT protect them. I mean how often do unassigned drivers get to stay on the same route all week? Rare!.
I am a regular full time driver with only 6 months of driving in which means I don't have enough seniority for my own route hence I'm a cover driver. That being said it is not uncommon for us to work a route for a whole week covering a vacation. Each route has a couple cover guys who are the best at it then a couple others who know it enough to get by just in case. If one of our main routes we cover isn't open they'll slide us where they need us but it's common for those of us who put in the effort to learn a route well to stay on it all week.