Vacation Question


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
My question is, what date are they suppose to go off of? His starting seniority date or driving seniority date?
Where I am, you have company seniority and center seniority.

The company time is used for pension years and number of vacation weeks one receives.

Vacations, bid routes, are determined by center seniority.

If you transfer in as a part timer or take a job in another center/building your center seniority date will be different than the company date.


nowhere special
Where I am, you have company seniority and center seniority.

The company time is used for pension years and number of vacation weeks one receives.

Vacations, bid routes, are determined by center seniority.

If you transfer in as a part timer or take a job in another center/building your center seniority date will be different than the company date.
Center seniority makes a difference some places but company seniority is always the same