The only shame for America is the continued GUN violence that plagues it.
If not for the GUN, this crazy man wouldnt have been able to pull that off, unless of course, you people think he could have brough a butcher knife and stabbed them both.
Oh wait, someone will suggest that, so I guess i buzzed in too early.
GUN violence will always take the lives of innocent persons in this country and we have to do alot more than say a bunch of "sad days for america" or "those poor families" because as long as guns are available to every NUT CASE in this country, we will revisit this scenario over and over and over.
Yes, two policemen lost thier lives, but they too were armed, and were trained to use them and even though gun owners claim guns save lives, it didnt in this case.
That argue is destroyed with the loss of these policemen.
Its unfortunate that our law enforcement members are constantly threatened by guns on our streets, but thats the way gun owners in this country would prefer it.
Protecting policemen would mean giving up your guns, and you wont possibly do that, so in turn, more policemen will be killed.
Its the american way.