Very Sad Day in NYC

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
No one could ever convincingly say that there is no police brutality in this country. That being said, it sure would be interesting to know, of all the people who have been victims of brutality, how many were doing nothing wrong, as compared to those who were committing a crime. And no, I'm not saying committing a crime warrants brutality.


golden ticket member
The protesters were part of Al Sharpton’s “Million Marchers” protest against police violence. The protesters chanted “What do we want?… Dead cops!” as they marched in New York City.
As Al Sharpton frantically tries to distance himself from the revenge execution style slayings of two NYPD officers Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn, keep in mind that just one week ago protestors at his march in New York City were chanting, "What do we want? Dead cops! When do what them? Now!"
Uncle Al went on TV and was telling about the death threats he received......he even played one of them. You reap what you sow, Rev!!

Even though DiBlasio asked for a stop of this protesting while these police are laid to rest.....Uncle Al said he won't listen to that.


Strength through joy

Exclusive: Taxpayers Fund Legal Group With Role in Rap Video About Killing Police Officers
The Obama administration’s Justice Department funneled at least $1.5 million in grants to a New York legal-aid group featured in a new rap video that depicts two young black men aiming handguns at a white police officer.

The taxpayer money that went to the organization shown in the video, the Bronx Defenders, comes from a Justice Department program named for Edward Byrne, a New York Police Department officer who was shot dead at close
range in 1988.



Well-Known Troll
You are all being played. The NYC cop killer was a criminal, not an activist. On the other hand:

Fox News' Double Standard For Right-Wing Cop Killers

Um, Eric Frein (The POS) in Pennsylvania was a huge news story, at least on the local fox station.

The people who continue to try to make this a racial issue are why this country is so screwed up. Anyone who shoots at a cop deserves death. White, black, asian, mexican or whatever.

You guys who can't see that are really not so bright


Inordinately Right
The protesters were part of Al Sharpton’s “Million Marchers” protest against police violence. The protesters chanted “What do we want?… Dead cops!” as they marched in New York City.
As Al Sharpton frantically tries to distance himself from the revenge execution style slayings of two NYPD officers Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn, keep in mind that just one week ago protestors at his march in New York City were chanting, "What do we want? Dead cops! When do what them? Now!"
You realize Sharpton was in Chicago that day right?


Well-Known Member

That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.

Do you actually think that's correct?

If so, you live in some sad vacuum. I feel bad for you.

Merry Christmas.


golden ticket member
When a person holds an event nation wide they can't be in more than one place at a time....unless Uncle Al has that special gift.


Strength through joy

Rocker Jon Bon Jovi donned a New York Police
Department T-shirt on stage.
Well-wishers delivered home-baked cookies by the hundreds to police in Cincinnati.
In Mooresville, North Carolina, police and sheriff's officers were treated by residents to a chili dinner.

A Cookies for Cops initiative, launched on Facebook earlier this month, now lists about 40 police departments and precincts where cookies have been delivered.

"This movement was born because of all the hate society is spreading towards the police profession," says an explanation on the Facebook page. "It's about sharing love, not hate."

Rallies and vigils in support of police have taken place recently in several locations, including Nashville, Tennessee; West Orange, New Jersey; Annapolis, Maryland, and New York City's Riverdale neighborhood.

Facebook campaigns were urging people to adorn their porches with blue lights in support of local police.


Its all good.
The only shame for America is the continued GUN violence that plagues it.

If not for the GUN, this crazy man wouldnt have been able to pull that off, unless of course, you people think he could have brough a butcher knife and stabbed them both.

Oh wait, someone will suggest that, so I guess i buzzed in too early.

GUN violence will always take the lives of innocent persons in this country and we have to do alot more than say a bunch of "sad days for america" or "those poor families" because as long as guns are available to every NUT CASE in this country, we will revisit this scenario over and over and over.

Yes, two policemen lost thier lives, but they too were armed, and were trained to use them and even though gun owners claim guns save lives, it didnt in this case.

That argue is destroyed with the loss of these policemen.

Its unfortunate that our law enforcement members are constantly threatened by guns on our streets, but thats the way gun owners in this country would prefer it.

Protecting policemen would mean giving up your guns, and you wont possibly do that, so in turn, more policemen will be killed.

Its the american way.

The killer was a criminal. If you outlaw guns, he will kill a cop with a club, steal his weapon, and then kill others. You don't stop crime by outlawing the means that people have to protect themselves. You only create more victims that way. The best deterrent to crime is the criminal knowing that the people will fight back. That's the only thing that will make these people think twice before acting. But I don't expect you to ever admit that.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations to Barack Hussein Obama, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Bill De Blasio, and most of all the media that put and keeps them in positions of power.
Hats off to every glassy-eyed liberal foot soldier who has dutifully chanted, “Hands up don’t shoot,” “I can’t breathe,” or “What do we want? Dead Cops!”
@ChadFu ·
BREAKING: NYPD gets what they deserve.
@Chyeaaas ·
KARMA came around for the #NYPD sad but true
@OhEmmeG "If those cops didnt want to be shot they shouldnt have been dressed like criminals".
@TheOriginalPM ·
Shout out the homie who shot those cops in Brooklyn .
@DontbelieveDuwa: Two cops just got shot in Brooklyn..” Salute the shooter .
Then why aren't you in a position of power to make a difference. Oh yea because you work for ups you ignorant piece of. Hope you educate your children so they can be more than what you have become.