Very Sad Day in NYC


Staff member
One thing that is funny as white complain a lot online but I rarely hear it in person. Twice I over heard the N word at the bar. One time the guy actually apologized and bought me a drink. The other time it was a kkk member and we actually had a quick respectful conversation and we went about or business. At least the one guy had the balls to speak his mind in front of me. So how about the next time you feel the need to complain go up to one of the minorities at your hub and speak your mind to him.
Truth right there.


Well-Known Member
Why must you include the nationality of your friends ?
And why do you assume everyone here is white ?
I didn't assume a thing. I mentioned the nationality of my friends to show my diverse background. I went to a private quaker school for a few years lived in an all black town and moved to an all Jewish town. I then went to an all black college (mistake) and finally changed and graduated from Rutgers In North Jersey (huge melting pot). All of this plus the diversity of my friends shows I have more exposure to the truths on both sides of this (battle). In the brown case I am actually in the side of the police. The trevon case on his side and don't know much about the guy who got choked out. What pisses me off is that their are far worse cases of blatant brutality against decent citizens yet my people get mad over the wrong ones. But white people have taken this to a whole other level and that's when I voice my opinion. And will do so to the face of any man not just behind the keyboard. At the end of the day I don't have time to think or care about it until I'm I'm the bar bored. To be continued when my work week is over. Be safe.


swollen member
It's all about behavior. I don't cut anyone slack because of the color of their skin. I expect all men and women to be moral, just, polite and behave laws. Your skin color or others' prejudices don't make you behave poorly--that's all on you. Behave well and I'll have no quarrel with you.


Well-Known Member
so if you don't like to hear it, why the fukkk do they call themselves that ALL THE TIME????
Great you asked this very popular question. I try to answer this the best I can. First it's about the dumbest statement a white person can make. Why can't we say it but you can. First let me say I have a few white friends and a ton of Spanish friends that use the term and they do it in proper context. A quick example how I made a similar mistake. My brother hangs with mostly Jewish people. One of the Jewish guys I hang with always uses the term JEW. I was out with my brother and his friend and used it and my brother got pissed at me and asked why I said it. I told him that'd how I talk around my Jewish friends. They call each other Jew boy so I sometimes say it to them. But I wasn't around my friends I was around his and it wasn't acceptable in his group. I apologized and we enjoyed the rest of the night. Now on to my friends. One of my Spanish friends used the word a lot until one day he was around some other blacks he didn't know. He almost got in a fight. I explained to him why it isn't always acceptable. Now to explain how and when it can be used. Saying To a friend what up njgga is the same as saying what up brotha. I could say damn this :censored2: here is acting crazy. None of these statements are referring to his as an ignorant person. Now the other night I was hanging out with some brothas and they took me to some ghetto ass strip club. I said damn you have me out around some :censored2: ass spot. I meant that in a negative way but since my friends with me they knew I meant some ghetto ass blacks.. Now of I was in the club and some black dude next to me started some :censored2: I may say wtf didn't say :censored2:. That would be taken as an insult and we would be fighting. So there are ways we can and can't say it in front of each other. The word was used so negatively against us but it took a whole new meaning when used amongst us. Many words have more than one meaning. One example of it being used the wrong way. I am at a bar and some white guy next to me says take us to the Super Bowl. :censored2:. He was referring to a black quarter back. I won't go into what happened after that. Just the same I over heard a white guy saying that :censored2: is big as hell. He was referring tic a bodybuilder. The difference is in the context. I am unique and use the term both in a negative and positive way. My people piss me off at times so I call it like I see it and have even used the term monkey. Just the same I call a white person out of their name when they act a fool. The problem today is white people are becoming more and more butt hurt cause blacks have money, power (to some extent) and can freely date hot white women(not just the fat ones like back in the day) . Not UPS workers but whites in control still know they are in charge so it doesn't bother them. But the blue collar whites are starting to feel insecure and their true racism is starting to show. I will end it on this note. I had a few white friend ask me do you think I am racist. I said here is the question that will answer that for you. I said would you be upset if your daughter married a black guy. Most answered yes but..... I said OK well what if the black guy was my brother(guy makes 500k a year, graduated from Columbia University or some lowlife white dude. That stumps them all.


Well-Known Member
Now I am in the same conversation with my Spanish girlfriend. Haha. :censored2: has been changed. But I don't go around sayin wsup my porch monkey.


Well-Known Member
Now I am in the same conversation with my Spanish girlfriend. Haha. :censored2: has been changed. But I don't go around sayin wsup my porch monkey.
In other words, if you are white and unsure if you can say it without getting your ass beat, just don't say it.


Well-Known Troll
Yet when black people call white people "cracka (it's actually CRACKER), honkey, redneck, or white trash" it's the same thing. Except we don't kill people for saying a "mean word"


Well-Known Member
Yet when black people call white people "cracka (it's actually CRACKER), honkey, redneck, or white trash" it's the same thing. Except we don't kill people for saying a "mean word"
On the Internet you may hear the word cracker or cracka but in the real world I haven't heard that word since the 80s and would laugh at someone who used it.


Well-Known Member
On the Internet you may hear the word cracker or cracka but in the real world I haven't heard that word since the 80s and would laugh at someone who used it.

My son is currently living in Iowa. One night he sliced open his fingers while washing dishes. While waiting to be seen in the ER, a black family with two young children came in. One of the two boys looked at my son and called him a cracker. Thankfully my son was able to diffuse the situation and he ended up on the floor playing building blocks with the boys.