Especially when a great deal of what he posts just are out and out lies. No one was chanting the 'dead cops' crap, that was edited by Fox to sound like that. See post #58 in this thread.P. S. Myself and many of my black friends are on the side of the police officer but ignorant people like the OP would have to apologize to me with sincerity if I heard that crap coming out of your mouth.
Especially when a great deal of what he posts just are out and out lies. No one was chanting the 'dead cops' crap, that was edited by Fox to sound like that. See post #58 in this thread.
This editorial by Kareem Abdul Jabbar puts it nicely:
At the same time, however, we need to understand that their deaths are in no way related to the massive protests against systemic abuses of the justice system as symbolized by the recent deaths—also national tragedies—of Eric Garner, Akai Gurley, and Michael Brown. Ismaaiyl Brinsley, the suicidal killer, wasn’t an impassioned activist expressing political frustration, he was a troubled man who had shot his girlfriend earlier that same day. He even Instagrammed warnings of his violent intentions. None of this is the behavior of a sane man or rational activist. The protests are no more to blame for his actions than The Catcher in the Rye was for the murder of John Lennon or the movie Taxi Driver for the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan. Crazy has its own twisted logic and it is in no way related to the rational cause-and-effect world the rest of us attempt to create.
Those who are trying to connect the murders of the officers with the thousands of articulate and peaceful protestors across America are being deliberately misleading in a cynical and selfish effort to turn public sentiment against the protestors. This is the same strategy used when trying to lump in the violence and looting with the legitimate protestors, who have disavowed that behavior. They hope to misdirect public attention and emotion in order to stop the protests and the progressive changes that have already resulted. Shaming and blaming is a lot easier than addressing legitimate claims.
There was a small group of protesters who broke off from the Millions March NYC protest and chanted for dead cops. Fox News played that clip immediately followed by Sharpton's speech at his "justice for all" march in Chicago, then Tucker Carlson went on to discuss the chant as if it was tied to Sharpton's march in Chicago.There WAS a dead cops chant. Even CNN played it in front of Charlie Rangel when he tried to claim it didn't happen. That edited tape was a different situation and a local station (NOT Fox news).
There was a small group of protesters who broke off from the Millions March NYC protest and chanted for dead cops. Fox News played that clip immediately followed by Sharpton's speech at his "justice for all" march in Chicago, then Tucker Carlson went on to discuss the chant as if it was tied to Sharpton's march in Chicago.
We're talking about two different broadcasts. The baltimore fox affiliate was blatant, the Fox News merging of two protests in two different cities was much more subtle, and was mostly about trying to tie Al Sharpton to the the chant, even though he was in a different city, and didn't even organize the NYC protest.That article is misleading and attempts to spin what really happened. The editing was a local Baltimore station which happened to be a Fox affiliate. There were other clips played on other news stations that had other recordings calling for dead cops.
We're talking about two different broadcasts. The baltimore fox affiliate was blatant, the Fox News merging of two protests in two different cities was much more subtle.
I don't disagree, there was a small group that chanted that in NYC.My point is that the dead cops chant did exist.
If every time there was a racist sign or chant a a Tea Party gathering, should we assume that all Tea Party members are racist?
Giuliani On Obama Claim: Al Sharpton The ‘Poster Boy For Hating The Police’Then why aren't you in a position of power to make a difference. Oh yea because you work for ups you ignorant piece of. Hope you educate your children so they can be more than what you have become.
BTW Jackson and sharpton haven't done a thing for or against me so I could care less how they run their mouth. My Facebook was 65% white 20% black and 15 % Hispanic. I had delete 80% of my contacts because current events have shown me how my contacts actually felt. So my anger is simple. Deep down inside these people had no problem until they felt some sort of insecurity.Bowflex's posts # 84 + # 85 seem to be from some very angry person .
But posts nothing under the Jesse Jackson / Al Sharpton Thread .
Which I find as strange .
BTW Jackson and sharpton haven't done a thing for or against me so I could care less how they run their mouth. My Facebook was 65% white 20% black and 15 % Hispanic. I had delete 80% of my contacts because current events have shown me how my contacts actually felt. So my anger is simple. Deep down inside these people had no problem until they felt some sort of insecurity.
That's my point. I am laughing at it from both ends. Blacks complaining and whites thinking every minority gives aCouldn't care less. What are we insecure about?
We are upset with how the minority community is whining and crying aboht how mean the cops are to them rather than taking responsibility for their actions. THAT'S the annoying part. Blame everybody, except your own stupid selves