It's been pointed out on numerous occasions by
@UpstateNYUPSer, and now you when it fits your agenda???
With the annual deductible only being a "pittance", I'm not sure it will curb much of what you're billing, especially after it is satisfied...
...or are you bracing us for even larger annual deductibles?
Besides I thought that why TeamCare only pays 80% of ER visits unless we are admitted??? it's also the reason for annual deductibles???
We are so fortunate to have you to save us from ourselves.
As far as your news flash on spiraling medical costs, here's a news flash for you: UPS used to be on the hook for additional costs, but now under this collective bargaining agreement they capped their cost and passed in onto the members.
Apples and oranges, but nice try.
Those companies and UPS have no parallels to date, none.
One minute you site the deregulation of the freight industry for the plight of Roadway and Yellow, then the next it's their "entitlement attitudes".
Let us know when you make up your mind.
I don't blame you, I'd stay as far away from it as you can, while continuing to deflect in any way possible.
It's really all you can do at this point.