Where's my pension?


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Part time for 13 years--10 year ago? You should qualify for about 10 bucks a month when you turn 75. Don't count on living the good life off of what you qualify for.
So true… the kid was probably a part time supervisor…(buy out) ?

If he was under the Central formula:

13 years part time roughly : 300 a month at age 65, 6 % penalty for every year prior to age 65. Might pay your your cell phone bill at best…
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In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
It's like $50 a month for each part-time year
But if you take it before age 65 you do get penalized

Under the UPS Pension Plan for part timers the formula is based as such: 10 years part time = one third of a 30 year pension benefit at the time you leave that plan, using a standard 1000 dollars for a 30 year pension that will add up to roughly 330 a month at age 65 only, without the 6 % penalty applied. Every area is different…
Under the UPS Pension Plan for part timers the formula is based as such: 10 years part time = one third of a 30 year pension benefit at the time you leave that plan, using a standard 1000 dollars for a 30 year pension that will add up to roughly 330 a month at age 65 only, without the 6 % penalty applied. Every area is different…
My part-time pension is through the company it's not associated with my teamsters full-time pension


Strength through joy
Under my pension plan all hours worked were lumped together, Part time & Full Time.
As long as I worked at least 1800 hours / year which equaled to a full year's credit.
Some years were short ,so I only got partial credit. { 8 to 11 months credit }
Not until one worked beyond 250 hours did the scale begin.
{ 0-250 hours = nothing }
When I left { medical reasons } I had 33 years and 6 months credit at Full Time built up.