Veteran's Administration


Well-Known Member
Are you sure it wasn't because you were chicken?:-)

Do I look chicken?


Parts on Order
I go to the VA. I dont like the fact that the workers are union. Im pro union but a union enviroment just doesnt fit with the VA. Its about the worker and not about the Vet. What can the VA do for the employee and not what they can do for the Vet.

Here's my story. They take their lunches between 11-1 for an hour. They choose what time they are taking their break. When that times comes, they just walk away and say nothing. After about 30 minutes you realize they are on lunch. No warning, nothing. I went to get blood drawn. I arrived at 1050, their was 1 other Vet infront of me. They called him back, took his blood, he left and they closed the door. Its just before 11, after about a half hour I realize they took lunch. Im the only one sitting their, they didnt say a word, nothing, just go to lunch. I sat their for over an hour before they called me back just to find out the Dr didnt put the order in. Total waste of time. They look at me and say, sorry, with a lazy look on their face. I wanted to rip their throats out. This happened a few times. Ive been to blood draw with a huge line. Get called back to find 6 workers and only one drawing blood. Other times Ive been in the chair for blood letting just about to take the needle and have the nurse say, Oh, I have a union meeting, and walk away. WTF?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Veteran Commits Suicide Hours After Being Turned Away At VA Facility - Rest In Peace

This pizzes me off beyond all belief. Any pregnant illegal immigrant can waddle her butt across the border to have her anchor baby and the red carpet is rolled out for her....welfare, WIC, SNAP, etc. Here is a veteran with known mental issues asking for help and he is turned away from the VA. We have a responsibility as Americans to take care of these people who need help after returning from war. We sure have crazy, mixed up priorities. May he RIP.


Inordinately Right
Veteran Commits Suicide Hours After Being Turned Away At VA Facility - Rest In Peace

This pizzes me off beyond all belief. Any pregnant illegal immigrant can waddle her butt across the border to have her anchor baby and the red carpet is rolled out for her....welfare, WIC, SNAP, etc. Here is a veteran with known mental issues asking for help and he is turned away from the VA. We have a responsibility as Americans to take care of these people who need help after returning from war. We sure have crazy, mixed up priorities. May he RIP.
Wow. Kind of sad that instead of talking about solutions to get veterans the help they need, you go off on an unrelated tangent about immigrants.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Do you suggest we let these American children starve?

On the contrary. I'm suggesting the parents take care of the children THEY chose to create just as I am taking care of the children I chose to have, and not mooch off American taxpayers. The veterans on the other hand, have earned the benefits they should be receiving. ;)


Well-Known Member
On the contrary. I'm suggesting the parents take care of the children THEY chose to create just as I am taking care of the children I chose to have, and not mooch off American taxpayers. The veterans on the other hand, have earned the benefits they should be receiving. ;)
No one denies that veterans should be taken care of. But you and anyone else who thinks that is going to change if we deny help to families with children is living in a fantasy land. Can you even tell me how much it is costing taxpayers to provide assistance to undocumented immigrants with children?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
No one denies that veterans should be taken care of. But you and anyone else who thinks that is going to change if we deny help to families with children is living in a fantasy land. Can you even tell me how much it is costing taxpayers to provide assistance to undocumented immigrants with children?
Nope and not on my to-do list today. :)

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
In other words you have no clue.;)
Sorry to disappoint you, but why would I keep such figures in my brain? That makes no sense to have something so random memorized. It would be easy enough for you to look them up if you REALLY want to know. Just as it would be easy for ME to look them up. ;)


nowhere special
Sorry to disappoint you, but why would I keep such figures in my brain? That makes no sense to have something so random memorized. It would be easy enough for you to look them up if you REALLY want to know. Just as it would be easy for ME to look them up. ;)

Just typical attempts to deflect and derail. This is a Veteran's Administration thread, not one about illegal immigrants and their children.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry to disappoint you, but why would I keep such figures in my brain? That makes no sense to have something so random memorized. It would be easy enough for you to look them up if you REALLY want to know. Just as it would be easy for ME to look them up. ;)
Actually you didn't disappoint me at all.;)