Veteran's Administration


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I think Operational needs was making a valid comparison on how some of our vets have been treated. These veterans are legal citizens of the United States and have been crapped on long enough.

Her frustration is shared by many and the example given is valid no matter what you say.

Frustration doesn't always come with solutions, solutions may come later... What are yours?

Orion inc.

I like turtles
I think Operational needs was making a valid comparison on how some of our vets have been treated. These veterans are legal citizens of the United States and have been crapped on long enough.

Her frustration is shared by many and the example given is valid no matter what you say.

Frustration doesn't always come with solutions, solutions may come later... What are yours?


Inordinately Right
I think Operational needs was making a valid comparison on how some of our vets have been treated. These veterans are legal citizens of the United States and have been crapped on long enough.

Her frustration is shared by many and the example given is valid no matter what you say.

Frustration doesn't always come with solutions, solutions may come later... What are yours?
It's pretty simple actually. Give veterans better care. It costs what it costs. We can find the money to send them over seas to fight other people's wars, we can find the money to take care of them when they get back.

But like I said, bringing the Immigration issue into it is a distraction, it's a scape goat, and in reality has absolutely nothing at all to do with veterans.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty simple actually. Give veterans better care. It costs what it costs. We can find the money to send them over seas to fight other people's wars, we can find the money to take care of them when they get back.

But like I said, bringing the Immigration issue into it is a distraction, it's a scape goat, and in reality has absolutely nothing at all to do with veterans.

Well said.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry it's a distraction for you to see our government takes care of some while leaving others to suffer.

@tonyexpress, if you read and digested the links I provided, you would see that we are spending a pretty significant amount on the VA.

I agree that "our government takes care of some while leaving others to suffer", and that is part of the problem, but not in the way that you seemingly think.

We are wealthy enough to take care of everyone who lives here, legal or not.

Conflating Veteran's care with illegal immigration is a distraction.

Single payer for all. It's the only way, and germane to preserving our exceptionalism, along with equal education for all.


Inordinately Right
I'm sorry it's a distraction for you to see our government takes care of some while leaving others to suffer.

Why bring up immigrants though?

There's tons of other things our government wastes money on too. The reason people bring immigration into the discussion is because they need someone to blame, and immigrants are an easy target.


Bad Moon Risen'
I'm sorry it's a distraction for you to see our government takes care of some while leaving others to suffer.

You're right. Our government can subsidize corporate farms and much of the oil industry, spend billions on foreign aid, waste trillions on wars we never should have entered and then not take care of those who served.