Veteran's Administration



Lets see....

How did the VA department get so gravely understaffed and underfunded?? Hmmm...

Of course, those of us who have complained about this issue since 2003 went largely unheard on this board because everyone was busy with the freedom isnt free, we have to cut the deficit, we have to sacrifice, yadda yadda yadda, but this problem has been around longer than Gen Shinseki has been in charge of the Va.

"""Bush Administration budget cuts force more than 200,000 veterans to wait for health care. Over 200,000 United States veterans have to wait more than six months for a medical visit because of health care shortages. ("VA Health Care Funding Alert," Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Press Release, January 31, 2003) """

"""Bush Administration proposal would end health care benefits for 173,000 veterans. More than 173,000 veterans across the country would be cut off from health care because of Bush Administration proposed budget cuts and its plan requiring enrollment fees and higher out-of-pocket costs. ("Support for Troops Questioned," Washington Post, June 17, 2003) """

You reap what you sow is the old saying.

You all supported BUSH and his cronies in the the white house and congress, and now you dont like the outcome?

You mean, you all believed that massive cutbacks to the VA system wouldnt lead to a systemic failure of the system?

Or, is this just another timebomb BUSH set to blow up after he left office, like the economy, housing, jobs and the collapse of the banks?

Of course you all will hymm and haw about bringing BUSH back into the conversation, but hey, blame yourselves.

Because of people LIKE YOU all (who voted for bush), you all condemned our veterans to this type of horrible treatment.

Sorry, but its really YOUR fault.


Well, by that logic, all the people who voted for Nader in Florida, in 2000, are at fault then.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
CNN Breaking News

Records of dead veterans were changed, some even in recent weeks, to hide how many people died while waiting for care at the Phoenix VA hospital, a whistle-blower told CNN.

At least seven times since last October, records that showed that veterans died while waiting for care were altered or written over by someone else, scheduling clerk Pauline DeWenter said in an exclusive interview with CNN. The changes listed the veterans as living, not deceased, essentially hiding their deaths.

Follow complete coverage of breaking news on, CNN TV and CNN Mobile.


Well-Known Member

The VA was the last thing on my mind when I enlisted in 1989.

Although I only served 8 years I have used by VA loan eligibility
3 separate times.

I was told by others that the VA hospitals were not the place to be....what good is a VA loan exactly?


Well-Known Member
3% origination fee, no PMI, low interest rate, backed by US govt.

Is 3% origination fee low? I've never really paid much attention. I did pay PMI for 4 years in the 90's. I think my highest interest is 4.7% but those are rentals. Why does the consumer care who backs their mortgage?