This is so amazing to me. On one hand you claim it is so difficult for someone to get an ID(who I suppose since I've asked multiple times and you never found one it is some mystery person) but not make the trek to the county seat(must assume they didn't register at the ID place), identify themselves, successfully fill out the registration forms, figure out how to check them mail, separate the voter card from junk mail, figure out how to open the envelope it is in, transport themselves multiple times a year to the polling places which change depending on the election, follow the directions on the ballot and successfully submit their vote and getting the ID is the burden. Put aside who in these times doesn't have an ID. You honestly believe there is a million people that figured out how to register to vote, can even figure out where to vote, that don't have and can't figure out how to get an ID? That just blows my mind that someone even thinks that.
On the other hand you claim that there is so much fraud that a government that can't do anything efficiently and without the ability to distinguish if a person casting a vote is the one registered to vote is not really a problem. It is also amazing that anyone can think that anyone can think that the government can catch every case of fraud with their hands so severely tied when with the full resources of a federal government are supposedly going to find enough fraud(that they haven't already found) in Medicare to successfully fund Obamacare.
A simply amazing view of the world you have.