Hoffa given them back? Or your local is too weak to maintain them?
Where are you pigs now?
No BBW, it was not the Locals that gave back the 10,000 jobs. And no, the Locals were not too weak to maintain them. The weakness and the give-backs came directly from Hoffa! The 2007 contract was settled more than
8 months before expiration!
Not a good bargaining strategy unless UPS had completely caved in on every issue.
They didn't! And what did Hoffa cave in on?:
The 2007 contract pulled 44,000 members out of the Central States Pension Plan and froze benefits at levels negotiated in 1997.
The 2007 contract broke away from creating new full time jobs by combining part-time jobs, a major breakthrough in 1997.
The 2007 contract froze starting wages for part-timers at $8.50 for the life of the contract.
And what did we get in return?:
Bargaining rights at UPS Freight, the company's non-union freight division.
The 2007 UPS Agreement...negotiated
by Hoffa, negotiated
for Hoffa!
Where are you pigs now?