

My Senior Picture
Same question--every year--just like clockwork.
Same people who don't realize that their last paystub in 2024 has all the information they need to file electronically and still pay H&R Block to complete their 1040EZ using the standard deduction.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
people can’t wait to spend their returns

Some people need to learn it’s not free money, it’s their money that they earned
Fools think they are screwing over Uncle Sam getting a big refund, or they believe the government is giving them free money. Lost in the sauce these people are.


Just a dog
Fools think they are screwing over Uncle Sam getting a big refund, or they believe the government is giving them free money. Lost in the sauce these people are.
I fell short last year and had to pay in. I went long this year and overpaid. It shouldn't be too hard to have taxes where exactly the right amount was deducted every week. I dont like giving an interest free loan to the government.


Just a dog
It's actually quite sad. Work all your life to get to retirement and then spend hours a day on an anonymous internet forum just to participate in a giant circle jerk.
It's better than spending all his time at CPUSA like you do. Do you enjoy picking on the elderly?


Well-Known Member
I fell short last year and had to pay in. I went long this year and overpaid. It shouldn't be too hard to have taxes where exactly the right amount was deducted every week. I dont like giving an interest free loan to the government.
It’s because corporations are basically bribing the government to keep taxes hard and complicated so we use their services