So...yesterday, this goofy female was on GMA with her lawyer. She's the one that fell into the mall pool whilst texting and walking. She was a mall employee apparently on break or leaving or whatever. Video clearly shows her tripping on pool wall, falling in and getting drenched. With her lawyer, she now says she's probably gonna sue cuz no on helped her.
Item was on GMA again today. Seems she has a few other run-ins with law before this, tho. Warrant for felony ID theft. Used other employees credit card to buy $5,000 worth of stuff. Other rap sheet items also. Now, GMA and others speculated that maybe pool bath was hoax.
If it was or not, is this buddy* stupid or not? First texting and walking. Betcha we're gonna have new Federal law now against THAT! Next, drawing attention to yourself when you got warrants?
"Here's your sign"