L O L. Outside of the Leader, being kind of a creeper on women. There was never anything proven about pedophilia. I can disagree with the man and the way he presented the gospel And not want him dead, and how is he stockpiling weapons he was an FFL dealer? You were really worried about 60 or 70 people overthrowing the government? And since when did the ATF and FBI decided they needed to be the ones to investigate a local matter? Why didn’t they pick up David Karesh when he went to dinner in town almost every Saturday or when he took a walk almost daily that everyone in town knew about? Nope at some point Karesh flick the nose of the federal government, and they wanted to prove they were in charge. Did David Karesh have a tank or something? Oh wait no that was the ATF.

again disagreeing with them and the way they live their life does not mean I should have them killed. It’s kind of what you talk about in reference to homosexuals being mistreated and I agree with you they should not be by any group or any government how can persecute a group for no reason. And if there’s allegations of miss doing, they should be arrested and given a fair trial with due process. If you read any papers on CS gas being used on little kids and people without any kind of protective gear. It renders them incapacitated that’s what our government did to these people women and children gassed.