Waco: 30 Years

El Correcto

god is dead
You do not get to attack the other posters for having different beliefs than you.

I'll give you a month off to consider that if you'd like.
Do you think I give a :censored2: bud. I can go have conversations with literally any group of people on the internet. A month away from delusional Adam and Eve religious zealots who defend child murdering meth slinging pedophiles? What ever shall I do!


Staff member
Do you think I give a :censored2: bud. I can go have conversations with literally any group of people on the internet. A month away from delusional Adam and Eve religious zealots who defend child murdering meth slinging pedophiles? What ever shall I do!
Ask and ye shall receive. We'll try this again in a month.

You don't have to agree with them, you just have to treat them with respect.


Inordinately Right
So now you embrace Darwin's racist theories.
I embrace evolution yes.
Okay thank you for being honest.

"On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"

And just in case you mistakenly think Darwin was only talking about animals, he followed it up with the full blown racist application of his theory of evolution on the human species in:
"The Descent of Man"

Hero of the left was a full blown racist who thought coloreds were inferior and embraced eugenics.

Gotta love it.


Well-Known Member
Do you think I give a :censored2: bud. I can go have conversations with literally any group of people on the internet. A month away from delusional Adam and Eve religious zealots who defend child murdering meth slinging pedophiles? What ever shall I do!
You clearly aren’t looking to have a conversation only to argue and to be hateful. It’s really unhealthy.


Staff member
A good date to keep in mind when considering whether or not to take on the US government with your AR-15s and your inbred cousins. 🤣


Well-Known Member
A good date to keep in mind when considering whether or not to take on the US government with your AR-15s and your inbred cousins. 🤣
Perhaps, but it is interesting to note quite a large number of the people murdered in that building were foreigners and college-educated.

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member