There wasn't any deficit in Wisconsin until Walker gave out tax breaks to businesses. That's where the "deficit" came from, which makes it a fake crisis that will allow the GOP to accomplish their real goal, which is union-busting. I know your reasoning is weak, so I'll spell it out for you. Walker gave tax breaks to the people that put him in office, resulting in less tax income for the state. Got that? Wisconsin is just the trial balloon. Public employees are an easy target because they involve state money, which gives Walker "justification" in going after them.
It's crystal clear that you don't know anything about FedEx subsidies, which are defacto, or after the fact. I'll explain it to you, OK? FedEx has the perfect scam going because they get to have workers who are treated like employees but not considered as such because they work for a contractor. The contractor pays them peanuts (about $600-$700 per week) in the form of a flat rate salary so they don't get any OT. That means their true pay per hour for a 60 hour week is around 6-7 dollars per hour, with NO benefits. They're off the FedEx books.
These folks then qualify for either formal public assistance like food stamps (get it?), or informal assistance in the form of things like ER visits, which we taxpayers pay in the form of higher taxes and increased insurance costs. If they can't afford a doctor for their sick kid, are they just supposed to let them die? WalMart does the same thing by underpaying employees and forcing them onto the government dole.
Anyway, are you a union member? If you work for UPS, I'd say you probably are. How would you like to do the same job, but for about $10 per hour? That's what the GOP wants eventually...the end of all unions. You'd be up the creek without a union, but you support a little worm like Walker anyway. Why is that? Hey, did you know that Rush, Beck, O'Reilly, and Hannity are all members of a broadcasters union?
Without the Teamsters, you'd have squat, but here you are supporting a guy whose next step will be the private unions by pushing for "right to work" legislation. Count on it. And do some research.