
Well-Known Member
I appreciate everyones input on this. Taking it day to day and not making any impulsive decisions is always best at this point. Definitely gonna weigh all my options and do some risk analysis. (Family etc...) UPS have become tyrants in the way they treat their employees. They figure because they pay us well it gives them the right to brow beat us and harass us. Im against the ropes rt now. Gonna come out swinging regardless of what i choose to do. Thanks to all...
Good luck too you whatever you decide. But I have become friendly with some USPS folks over the years and sometimes wonder if at the harassment level they got it as bad or worse that we do. I just saying its rough out there lots of places. If you got skills and education in another area your ok. But if your like me, basically a big dummy with strong back and a friendly smile, UPS is prolly as good as its gonna get. But if your thinking its messing with you emotionally or familywise maybe you should roll the dice and try something else. Have a good long talk with your wife though, make sure she on board with any decision you make. Once again Good Luck.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Considering leaving UPS.
Looking for some input here..
Im a 20+ year upser. I've been package and now feeder for almost 10yrs. Over the past couple years ive become very disgruntled. Between feeder runs being moved or eliminated all together and drivers bumping me down ive become jaded.. The very real reality of having to go back and do package after almost 10yrs of feeder is something i cant stomach. This may sound like a whoa is me moment but understand that our package dept is run by a handful of derelicts who have no clue... 180-200 stops per route with 15-20, 9.5 grievances filed per day in a building with 35-40 daily routes. For the first time ever im actually considering walking away. Anybody out there that may have some words of advice or encouragement that may help.. As a shop steward I usually have the answers but this time im just blinded... Any input will be helpful.

Wait!? You said as a shop steward. You have bidding rights over the number 1 guy. You can bid on the 22.3 job. Are you being nice?

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Im feeder relief . So i have to bounce back and fourth. UPS has moved or eliminated 10 runs from our building in the past few years. Hence my frustration. And with the number 1 driver over 43yrs seniority. Its hard to move up.

Stewards have super seniority. How can he bid before you?

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
I appreciate everyones input on this. Taking it day to day and not making any impulsive decisions is always best at this point. Definitely gonna weigh all my options and do some risk analysis. (Family etc...) UPS have become tyrants in the way they treat their employees. They figure because they pay us well it gives them the right to brow beat us and harass us. Im against the ropes rt now. Gonna come out swinging regardless of what i choose to do. Thanks to all...

I'm in a tiny center also. Got 29 yrs on Nov 3. I have been to that point where you are. Just one day at a time. I see the end coming. Your last 6 to 7 yrs are going to be a flash. Too many yrs to start over.

I was a casual for 10 yrs first. No vacation,sick or rovers. Only get my 5 week vacation next yr.

Again. You are a steward. How can't you bump s number one guy?


Well-Known Member
im Sorry but anyone who says this job sucks 999 days out of 1000 maybe isn’t meant to do it. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Are you using your allowed 2 eight hour days every month? Are you on the 9.5? If you are on the 9.5 do you File? Because if you don’t you might as well not even be on it. This job does not suck 999 days out of 1000. Are there bad days? Yes. But you do the job the right way on those bad days and you stick it right up there you know what and punch out at 10pm.

For the OP sorry you’re going thru this. It sucks that you get bumped back to package. No bumping back to package here in the 177.


Well-Known Member
im Sorry but anyone who says this job sucks 999 days out of 1000 maybe isn’t meant to do it. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Are you using your allowed 2 eight hour days every month? Are you on the 9.5? If you are on the 9.5 do you File? Because if you don’t you might as well not even be on it. This job does not suck 999 days out of 1000. Are there bad days? Yes. But you do the job the right way on those bad days and you stick it right up there you know what and punch out at 10pm.
You are lucky to work in a center that actually honors 8-hour requests and the 9.5 list. Where I work, UPS just pays the grievances and over-dispatches everyone. There is a steady stream of package cars coming through the gates every night between 9:30-10.


Well-Known Member
You are lucky to work in a center that actually honors 8-hour requests and the 9.5 list. Where I work, UPS just pays the grievances and over-dispatches everyone. There is a steady stream of package cars coming through the gates every night between 9:30-10.
I never said my center honored 9.5 every week and honored every 8 hour request. There are plenty of times I’m violated on both. And then I shove a grievance up their arse and I get free money.

Back first

Well-Known Member
You are lucky to work in a center that actually honors 8-hour requests and the 9.5 list. Where I work, UPS just pays the grievances and over-dispatches everyone. There is a steady stream of package cars coming through the gates every night between 9:30-10.
Has anyone in your center been violated more than three times that is on the 9.5 list. If so have they sat down with the BA, labor manager and center manager to fix the drivers dispatch. If this has happened then you have a weak local.


Well-Known Member
I was where he was mentally 10 years ago.Almost quit but decided to stay and glad i did as i retired this year at the age of 51.I decided my last 10 years to take as much time off as possible such as sick,disability,ro and 8 hour days and 9.5 list