john chesney

Well-Known Member
Sometimes it's just too far under your skin to keep bearing it.
I know a girl that has her masters degree in a field and has to quit doing it because the stree is killing her. She’s only 40 and has been going to counseling and this was a professional opinion. Everyone is different. When I had 20 years in I didn’t feel this way. It hit me within the last 3 years


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I know a girl that has her masters degree in a field and has to quit doing it because the stree is killing her. She’s only 40 and has been going to counseling and this was a professional opinion. Everyone is different. When I had 20 years in I didn’t feel this way. It hit me within the last 3 years
@Future works one day a week


60 months and counting
They weren't "gamed". Hell----they made up the game. On many occasions I had a sup or center manager tell me that a certain stop should be counted as more than one. They were the "game masters". It seemed like every time a new center manager would show up he would give orders that things were going to be different. After a few weeks he would always give the "just do it the way you used to do it" speech because since he had taken over the centers numbers had gone in the crapper.
Drivers didn't help the situation....I have known many who come up with ingenious ways to beat the already flawed system...most of their ideas were borderline stupidity and some were fired over them


Well-Known Member
Considering leaving UPS.
Looking for some input here..
Im a 20+ year upser. I've been package and now feeder for almost 10yrs. Over the past couple years ive become very disgruntled. Between feeder runs being moved or eliminated all together and drivers bumping me down ive become jaded.. The very real reality of having to go back and do package after almost 10yrs of feeder is something i cant stomach. This may sound like a whoa is me moment but understand that our package dept is run by a handful of derelicts who have no clue... 180-200 stops per route with 15-20, 9.5 grievances filed per day in a building with 35-40 daily routes. For the first time ever im actually considering walking away. Anybody out there that may have some words of advice or encouragement that may help.. As a shop steward I usually have the answers but this time im just blinded... Any input will be helpful.
Turn all that anger and frustration and aim it at who deserves it, management. If they bumped me back to package I would do 8 stops and hour and file like a mother. Turn it all back on them.


60 months and counting
She tried 2 days a week and still couldn’t do it
That's the real issue... routes going from 120 and a few pickups to 160 and double the pickups and that's a 9 hour "planned" day...why did it go up so Much... because of a automatic bulkhead door opener??? It's cause drivers are running and skipping their personal that's the new's a joke


Well-Known Member
That's the real issue... routes going from 120 and a few pickups to 160 and double the pickups and that's a 9 hour "planned" day...why did it go up so Much... because of a automatic bulkhead door opener??? It's cause drivers are running and skipping their personal that's the new's a joke
Routes only go up like that when the driver allows it to. Know how to fight and keep it down and it stays the same. They back off after a while and just pile on the next guy.
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The Natural

Well-Known Member
I appreciate everyones input on this. Taking it day to day and not making any impulsive decisions is always best at this point. Definitely gonna weigh all my options and do some risk analysis. (Family etc...) UPS have become tyrants in the way they treat their employees. They figure because they pay us well it gives them the right to brow beat us and harass us. Im against the ropes rt now. Gonna come out swinging regardless of what i choose to do. Thanks to all...


60 months and counting
Routes only go up like that when the driver allows it to. Know how to fight and keep it down and it stays the same. They back off after a while and just pull on the next guy.
Exactly.... but there needs to be a better system to address overdispatching...