Sorry this response might be a little late. I'm fairly new to the site, and am first viewing this thread. This is a response to AvgJoes post on 1/30/11, your last sentence in the first paragraph: Funny how UPS drivers in NJ were not dispatched on a day recently... Although I am a retiree I still keep in touch with many of my friends and former co-workers. The only day this season where drivers were not dispatched was 12/27/10. I'm sure most, if not all you remember we received on average about 27" of snow that day and the day before. The "acting" governor of the state issued a state of emergency roughly 4 PM on the 26th. This banned all non-essential vehicular momement. Anyone crazy, or more appropiate, STUPID, enough to go out got stuck, or even worse stranded, on their journey. I don't feel the need to go back and do the reserarch, however I remember reading in articles there were upwards of 700 cars stranded on NJ roadways. There's another component alot of you "desk jockeys" never consider on these days. Our drivers need to get out of/down/through their properties. Navigate into work. Then get into their PC's and do it all over again for 10 and up to 12 or more hours. Often trudging through commercial properties, and especially residential ones that have not and WILL NOT be sufficiently cleared. All the while office workers also have their properties to deal with, and equally bad commutes in, but once your in your office, your out of the elements for quite a few hours. The few times that I know of in close to 40 years that operations have been supended for a snow day did not warrant your post.