My center gave 3 routes back to the center they came from (15ish years ago). Only 1 driver followed his route, so we are +2 experienced drivers over last year. We have added 4 or 5 TCD that are all trained and qualified (we had 1 wash out that was replaced.) We also have 1 that trained for an air job but turned it down after seeing a big pay decrease. Sounds like he will drive for peak (being forced, so higher wage), plus an off the street hire that has worked 3 or 4 seasons started yesterday.
1 boss wants to make a 2-3 week remote route that would take lots of pressure off 3 routes. There is a driver that is willing to run the remote, so if they can find a place to park a truck, it will work really, really well.
We have a few helpers out this week and tomorrow there is supposed to be 11.
I dunno. It seems like my center is heading in the right direction.