Wearing Shorts to Work - Preload


Well-Known Member
I was hired in November and have only worked UPS during the colder months...now, it's hot as balls and I want to start wearing shorts to work. But I know they have restrictions about shorts being knee-length..?
What about for females? Any female preload out there with suggestions for good shorts to wear?

Wear exactly what u want. They are lucky to have you

H.E. Pennypacker

Mmm, Mombasa!
spandex is always the best work attire

This is how I work in the sweltering months.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen any of the other female preloaders wear shorts yet - only drivers, and of course, that's a uniform so...I was planning on waiting until another female wore shorts so I could get an idea what to wear. I don't want to look like a fool.
I’ve seen dudes come in wearing pajamas or jeans so raggedy their underwear shows through. Whatever you wear is going to get filthy, stained black / brown, and a few holes torn in it when you snag on a chute or roller line.

You’re probably overthinking this.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen any of the other female preloaders wear shorts yet - only drivers, and of course, that's a uniform so...I was planning on waiting until another female wore shorts so I could get an idea what to wear. I don't want to look like a fool.
girls at my hub wear basketball shorts, yoga pants, jean shorts that definitely are above the knee, and joggers. it's ups, as long as you don't look like a street walker, no one cares what you wear to throw boxes.