At least one of the "plans" that have been talked about is from the Islamic state of Iran. They claim that since the holocaust did not exist there should not be a nation of Israel. I had made a reply about there are many plans on the table for peace and said or possibly just thought to myself that not one of them are viable. Someone else had said that nobody was asking Israel to give up land. Seems a little uninformed to me but I do not have lot's of knowledge on the Middle East situation. Then someone said something about neo cons not knowing the facts seemed directed at me and something about the sheep following the heard but again I'm not really following closely. So the fact is there was a holocaust.
OK I understand now. You quoted my post but your response seemed more directed at items and issues that I never mentioned (I even double checked my posts in this thread for Holocausts and Neo-Cons and never found any) but re-reading other posts, I found where and who you were directing too. OK, I got ya. BTW: Although I wouldn't call you a Neo-Con, you are a bit of a Heinz 57 IMO. Foreign Policy wise you do fit pretty well in the Straussian/New (Neo) Conservative mold but on the domestic front you show a little of the paleo-conservative ideal and a type of minarchist POV. Although I think you feel satisfied, you do present a conundrum in yourself in that you berate and bemoan the aggression state in the area of personal economic liberty and the aggression state in the area of wealth transfer for what you perceive as the working/productive class to the non productive class and those are admirable ideals but yet you turn a blind eye when that same aggression state uses force upon others to transfer their wealth into areas "You" believe are important. If they are important and you think they are worthy of support, then you and others like you of like mind should as consumers of such ideals use your labor and economic support in those pursuits "AS" private/non state entity functions. And let me add that on the flipside those that support otherwise, opposite, etc. should, just like yourself, devote their labor, time and resources to pursue their ideals and not use the aggression State to extract from you what you would not do on your own in a free capacity.
You are free in your capacity as a private, free individual to support in any and all manner as you see fit, as long as it doesn't involve force or fraud on another (ie you can't force or fraud me or others into supporting your actions or beliefs in material, time, property or othermeans that violate self ownership), to endeavor towards such ends as you so desire and likewise I and all others are free to pursue in same fashion those ideals we/they find important and worthwhile and we likewise can't force or fraud you either. Would that be a legit compromise?
For entertainment one of the "plans" offered is to move Israel to Germany.
I dunno but sounds an awful lot like givin up land as well.
I kinda assume that most people understand the reason we took sides with Israel was because of the cold war and a sort of reaction to the reds taking sides with other nations in the region. Or maybe not. I dunno its late. Seems from my point of view worked out pretty well for Israel. Not so good for the other guys.
One solution that Germany came up with very early on during Hitler was re-settlement of jews in Madagascar. Why Madagascar and what happened to that idea I don't know. Could be the jews and other undesirables at the time proved more worthwhile as slave labor but then sadly it all went from bad to worse as we all know. You are correct that Israel became a key linchpin ally in the cold war but in truth that relationship was always dicey at best. With numerous acts of spying by Israel on the US, the secret use of Pakistan's ISI in transferring of nuclear related material via Turkey to Israel and the relationship Israel and Pakistan have had in relation to weapons transfer. From Charlie Wilson's exploits (Charlie Wilson's War fame) to what is slowly uncovering in the growing scandal being exposed by Sibel Edmonds and now other whistle blowers starting to come forward, one has to seriously ask just to what extent and value is our so-called relationship with Israel? Even the British learned the lesson of treachery with the King David Hotel after all those years and being the nation up front for the infant and growing Zionist movement from those early, heady days of the late 1800's and the leadership of Theodor Herzl. The british even broke a major promise to the Arabs (Sykes-Picot Agreement) at the insistence of Lord Balfour who'd promised a committment to the idea of Zionism instead. All the fruits of death and destruction to this day lay in the fact that a promise of independence to the Arabs tribes was broken to fulfill an ideal not hatched until a small group of jews created the Zionist ideal in the late 1800's.
You speak of some being a little uninformed and you may have a point but then one could also say that at the very least, others are just flat out ignoring historical facts of 100 years ago and then as a result, totally misreading and misundertanding the events of today as having all been born in some vaccum and then labeled as "towel head" ignorance along with the self aggrandizing illusion that they "hate us for our freedom." Do you think they are as stupid as we are and buying the "Land of the Free" BS? Tell me, what economic freedom do we really have? What freedom from gov't central planning in our lives is so great that they or anyone else would see that as "freedom"? If we're gonna talk about "un-informed", shall we gather at the collective American mirror and gaze at our own images! Mirror, Mirror on the wall....
If they hate us for anything, I think it's for being idiots and big chumps and I for one think we are guilty as hell on that account!
You mentioned Iran in your post early on and no arguement Iran has idiots for leaders not that we can brag these days either. (see idiots and chumps comment again!
) But what's so sad about our meddling in Iranian affairs which again created the blowback to today's problems is that for several millenia, the Iranian (Persian) and jewish peoples held a special relationship because it was the Persian King Cyrus who freed the jews from Babylon and helped to even finance their return to Jerusalem. An act of kindness held in very high esteem by millenia old Middle Eastern jewish communities unlike their European kin.
This created a strong bond only broken in the last half of the 20th century by meddling American and European interests backed by State force who killed such longstanding friendship. We also killed a longstanding Persian love of America who admired us for our acts in the 1700's when we broke the back of European imperialism and gained our own independence only to now become the new imperialist ourselves. And I guess it helps that the mainstream media (not that we don't just ignore the truth anyway) refuses to acknowledge the jewish member of the Iranian Parliment and what he has to say of jewish life living inside Iran under the rule of those vile, jew hating, jew killing Iranians. If I had to guess of what is making life worse for him in Iran, him just being jewish(?) or our actions (geo-political) outside of and directed towards Iran(?), my money is on the latter.
Jones IMO made an excellent point when he stated:
Selling them weapons is one thing, but we are currently 3 years into a 10 year deal in which we have agreed to give them 3 billion a year in military aid, for a total of 30 billion by 2017. That's an awfully big handout.
and how is this handout in aid to Israel not socialism when a handout to someone on the street living in a cardboard box is not willing to bear all their self inflicted burden is? Why should property and my labor be extracted from me by force (a state monopoly) to give to either one of these situations? Extraction of wealth and property by force even under the guise of alleged State santioned national defense is still socialism in the classic textbook definition of the word. Seems you and others have a lot more in common than you want to admit!
There's that aweful conundrum again!
And just for the record, that chosen people stuff? Sorry, they wrote the book to begin with which would be akin to me making the claim that I'm the first born son of Bill Gates and the heir to the family fortune. Proof? It's all here in this book which I'm claiming as the inerrant word of Bill Gates!
See how easy that is and all I have to do is get everyone else to buy my claim as fact!