

Strength through joy
I wonder if the obama family considers their uncle omar the black sheep of the family ?
You may recall him , arrested several years ago for drunk driving while living here illegally for 4 decades . His family crime is that he has always had a real job .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Do you really think the rich support the poor in modern America?
The grandchildren of the poor and rich alike are the ones holding up the crumbling facade of this country.

"The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at no cost." -Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Nov 21 2002

We are the only country in the world that can print as money as we need with out any immediate major ramifications. Because the dollar is the world's currency. International trade is done in U.S. dollars.
Been so since WWII. Before that it was the British Sterling that was the world's currency.

When the world loses faith in our ability to pay our debts, or the payment of that debt is more than our annual GDP, they will switch to a different currency. My guess it will be China's, since they haven't been over spending like crazy for decades.

It is also my guess that this will happen before 2025 unless major changes are made. We must spend less than we take in. We must become more business friendly (doesn't mean labor unfriendly) to survive.

The clock is ticking and nobody is even addressing this problem in Washington DC. It's business as usual.


golden ticket member


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
1. Who Gets Food Stamps:

Children: 45%
Disabled: 11%
Elderly: 8%
Veterans: 2%
Adults /c Children 20%
Total 87%

47% of the remainder were working at least one job.

By Race:

White: 36%
Black: 22%
Hispanic: 10%

2. Who gets entitlement benefits:

Elderly: 53%
Diabled: 20%
Working Poor: 18% (Below poverty level)
Total: 91%

3. Who Get Tax Expenditure Benefits:

Top 1% = 23%
Top 20% = 66%
Middle 60% = 31%
Bottom 20% = 2.8%

4. Cost of welfare = $282.9-billion, includes TANF, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Public Housing, WIC, Head Start, and the Social Service Block Grant.

5. Annual Subsides To Industries:

Farm = $16 billion
Airline = $68 billion
Oil = $35 billion.
Coal = $86 billion
Natural Gas = $100 billion
Ethanol = $173 billion
Flood Insurance = $12 billion

Total = $490 billion

Indirect Oil/Gas Subsidies: Federal, State and Local Subsidies including Tax breaks, Delpletion Allowance, Oil Pipelines, Monitoring, Remote Sensing/Mapping (USGS), etc. less environmental costs: per gallon = $2.25

Gas consumption: 138-billion gallons per year.

Total Cost of Oil subsidies = $310 billion.

Total Direct/Indirect Subsidies to Business: $800 billion


Strength through joy
I would like to see a return to the old system of applying for welfare .
One used to have to go to your local town hall and ask for it . Not a resident , so sorry no money for you .


golden ticket member
1. Who Gets Food Stamps:

Children: 45%
Disabled: 11%
Elderly: 8%
Veterans: 2%
Adults /c Children 20%
Total 87%

47% of the remainder were working at least one job.

By Race:

White: 36%
Black: 22%
Hispanic: 10%

2. Who gets entitlement benefits:

Elderly: 53%
Diabled: 20%
Working Poor: 18% (Below poverty level)
Total: 91%

3. Who Get Tax Expenditure Benefits:

Top 1% = 23%
Top 20% = 66%
Middle 60% = 31%
Bottom 20% = 2.8%

4. Cost of welfare = $282.9-billion, includes TANF, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Public Housing, WIC, Head Start, and the Social Service Block Grant.

5. Annual Subsides To Industries:

Farm = $16 billion
Airline = $68 billion
Oil = $35 billion.
Coal = $86 billion
Natural Gas = $100 billion
Ethanol = $173 billion
Flood Insurance = $12 billion

Total = $490 billion

Indirect Oil/Gas Subsidies: Federal, State and Local Subsidies including Tax breaks, Delpletion Allowance, Oil Pipelines, Monitoring, Remote Sensing/Mapping (USGS), etc. less environmental costs: per gallon = $2.25

Gas consumption: 138-billion gallons per year.

Total Cost of Oil subsidies = $310 billion.

Total Direct/Indirect Subsidies to Business: $800 billion

What a gross waste of time.......go throw the pigskin around.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
1. Who Gets Food Stamps:

Children: 45%
Disabled: 11%
Elderly: 8%
Veterans: 2%
Adults /c Children 20%
Total 87%

47% of the remainder were working at least one job.

By Race:

White: 36%
Black: 22%
Hispanic: 10%

2. Who gets entitlement benefits:

Elderly: 53%
Diabled: 20%
Working Poor: 18% (Below poverty level)
Total: 91%

3. Who Get Tax Expenditure Benefits:

Top 1% = 23%
Top 20% = 66%
Middle 60% = 31%
Bottom 20% = 2.8%

4. Cost of welfare = $282.9-billion, includes TANF, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Public Housing, WIC, Head Start, and the Social Service Block Grant.

5. Annual Subsides To Industries:

Farm = $16 billion
Airline = $68 billion
Oil = $35 billion.
Coal = $86 billion
Natural Gas = $100 billion
Ethanol = $173 billion
Flood Insurance = $12 billion

Total = $490 billion

Indirect Oil/Gas Subsidies: Federal, State and Local Subsidies including Tax breaks, Delpletion Allowance, Oil Pipelines, Monitoring, Remote Sensing/Mapping (USGS), etc. less environmental costs: per gallon = $2.25

Gas consumption: 138-billion gallons per year.

Total Cost of Oil subsidies = $310 billion.

Total Direct/Indirect Subsidies to Business: $800 billion

SHHH, too much information for them to consume. (remember, blacks get all the free money bro!)



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Yeah, that's it.....I'm upset !!! You and your drivel don't scare me....I was taught by nuns.
Too bad your nuns didn't do as good a job educating you as my nuns did with me.

Everything I posted was factual, and backed up with references. Why would you call it 'drivel'? Just because the facts don't fit your narrative? Facts are pesky.


nowhere special
We were ahead of our counterparts in the public schools by at least 2 years. We concentrated on studies........not boys and cheerleading and sports teams and all that fluff-stuff. We were there to learn.

You couldn't have learned anything. You didn't have Common Core then.


Well-Known Member
We were ahead of our counterparts in the public schools by at least 2 years. We concentrated on studies........not boys and cheerleading and sports teams and all that fluff-stuff. We were there to learn.
And we here on the BC can see how your world class education has paid off by the cartoons you post. Lol


golden ticket member
Cartoons are .....Felix the Cat, Dudley DooRight, Nancy & Sluggo..........Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse etc.
Political cartoons are different........I don't expect you to understand them.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Morelock,"Entitlement" means you are entitled to it, no matter what the reason is. We are entitled to our Social Security checks because the law that's been in effect for 80 years says we are, and no amount of propagandizing by Frank Luntz or anybody else can change that. A friend of mine turned 62 last year, signed up for SS and sent up a prayer for the soul of Franklin Roosevelt A DEMOCRAT. He has no regrets.
. Imagine if George Bush had succeeded to privatize your SS account held by Wall Street back in 2008 and you were ready to retire then. "Oops, sorry! We lost half of it! Better luck in your next life! Until then, enjoy your retirement and don't work too hard!"